Forearm Pain: Causes, Treatment & Help

Meanwhile, the forearms are no longer used exclusively for physical work, but are increasingly used in front of the PC or in the office for other writing activities. This part of the body is more and more stressed. For this reason, it is of great importance for everyone to know how to treat forearm pain.

What is forearm pain?

The discomfort in the forearm is caused by the movements of the arms. However, the pain often occurs even without corresponding movements, that is, at rest. Forearm pain refers to discomfort that appears in the area of the lower arms. These usually turn out quite differently and also cause different pains. Often a pulling pain occurs in these areas, but also a burning or stinging sensation is possible. This pain extends mainly from the elbows to the wrists. Here, the discomfort in the forearm is caused by the movements of the arms. However, the pain often occurs even without corresponding movements, i.e. at rest. Of importance is also the prevention of pain in the forearm.


Forearm pain can arise from many causes. In most cases, the connective tissue is stiffened or shortened. This can also affect the muscles and tendons, as well as the fascia. But also various types of injuries can trigger the discomfort in the forearm. In most cases, various bone fractures, muscle fiber tears, sprains and bruises as well as strains are the cause of the pain. Injuries in the neck and shoulder area as well as on the hands can also be responsible. Furthermore, various infections should also be mentioned at this point. These can be, for example, contaminated wounds, sepsis or osteomyelitis. In addition, various neurological, inflammatory or degenerative diseases should be considered in the case of pain in the forearm. Sometimes nerves are also pinched, or compression occurs. Sometimes rheumatic diseases or tendinitis can also be causative for the pain in the forearm. Furthermore, diseases such as cervical spondylosis, a herniated disc in the neck, bursitis, osteoarthritis or carpal tunnel syndrome can cause pain in the forearm. Nevertheless, it is also possible that the complaints are preceded by serious diseases. These can be, for example, heart attacks or malignant tumors. For this reason, it is absolutely necessary to consult a doctor if the pain persists for a long time.

Diseases with this symptom

  • Muscle fiber tear
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Forearm fracture
  • Tendinitis
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Allergy
  • Osteomyelitis
  • Rheumatism
  • Elbow dislocation

Diagnosis and course

It is of great importance for the doctor to find out the reason for the forearm pain. Only in this way can the right therapy method be used, so that the affected person can be helped. Along the way, the doctor will ask a variety of questions that absolutely must be answered correctly. The doctor will pay particular attention to the pain and symptoms. The onset and duration of the complaints are also important. In addition, the doctor will analyze any other diseases and ask the patient about possible medication. After this in-depth discussion, the doctor will examine the forearm. Here, swellings are of particular importance.


Pain in the forearm can be prevented and can also be treated. It depends on how severe the pain in the forearm is and how intense the injury is. If the pain is just growing pains, this pain can be relieved with pain pills. If there is a deeper inflammation, it may do good temporarily to relieve the pain in this way. For the rest of the course of treatment, it is not enough to continue with just pain pills. The patient can also do something for his own health to prevent a negative development. If inflammation in the forearm occurs due to too hard strength training, it can be counteracted with very light massages and simple and pleasant fascia training. The fascia roller should not be too hard. Hard fascia rollers can make the inflammation even worse.The patient should ensure that the painful area remains well warmed. Temperatures should not exceed 30 degrees. Otherwise, these temperatures can further stress the tendons. If the pain does not subside within a short period of time, it may be advisable to see a doctor, as this could be a chronic pain.

When should you go to the doctor?

Forearm pain can come in varying degrees of severity, so it may be necessary to see a doctor. In most cases, the pain is triggered by external force, so a medical examination should definitely be done. If swelling occurs after the force has been applied, a doctor should also be consulted immediately. It is very likely that this is a sprain or even a fracture, which must be treated by a doctor. Anyone who forgoes medical treatment at this point is exposing himself to danger. A fracture will most likely not be able to heal or grow together properly, making a visit to the doctor unavoidable. Of course, forearm pain can also be triggered by an unfavorable bad posture. People who work in an office therefore very often suffer from forearm pain. Tendons or muscles can be pinched, causing a permanent pain. Even at rest, pain is not uncommon. The following therefore applies: Affected persons who suffer from permanent pain in the forearm should consult a doctor at an early stage. Only then can a quick and accurate diagnosis be made so that appropriate treatment can be initiated. Anyone who completely forgoes treatment by a doctor risks permanent damage to individual tendons, muscles or bones.

Treatment and therapy

In the therapy of pain in the forearm, it is particularly important that the pain is precisely localized. It has been found that immobilization of the affected arm provides relief only for a short time. For healing, this approach is rather unfavorable. The reason for this is that immobilization causes the connective tissue, muscles and fascia to harden and in turn cause pain. These are then often even worse than before. Also, the affected arm should not be stretched, because this overloads the nervous system. Body therapy on a sensorimotor level is better here. This is used to make tendons, connective tissue, muscles and fasciae mobile again and to lengthen them. In addition, special brain regions responsible for muscle activity are trained in this way. A corresponding therapist treats the patient with small exercises regarding the movements. Under certain circumstances, such therapy can take a very long time. If the causes of the pain in the forearm are due to other diseases, these should be treated as a first step and, if possible, cured. In most cases, the patient will be relieved of the forearm pain as soon as the corresponding underlying disease is treated.

Outlook and prognosis

If the forearm pain occurs after heavy physical exertion or sports activity, it does not need to be treated by a doctor. In this case, the forearm pain usually disappears after a short time. However, the patient should take care of the arm during this time and not subject it to unnecessary stress. The pain can also occur after an accident or a blow to the forearm. As long as there are no further complaints, no medical treatment is necessary. In some cases, swelling of the forearm occurs in addition to forearm pain. This can be treated by heat, cold and massage. Therapy is successful in most cases and eliminates the pain. Taking painkillers can also help in the short term, but long-term use of painkillers should be avoided, as they damage the body in the long term. In case of long-lasting forearm pain, pain therapy or physiotherapy is performed. These therapies lead to a positive course of the disease. If the forearm pain causes damage to the muscles or tendons, surgical procedures may be necessary. In most cases, forearm pain disappears on its own and does not lead to further discomfort.


To prevent the pain in the forearm, many different exercises can be considered. In particular, the absolute regularity in the training sessions is important. Only in this way can the discomfort be efficiently and effectively prevented. In most cases, the fingers also play a role in the pain in the forearm. Therefore, they should definitely participate in the training exercises. The easiest and most effective way to do this is to bring the forearms to the body. This exercise must be done at different speeds. A training session should be done between five and ten times. The fingers should be spread to complete the exercise and prevent the discomfort.

This is what you can do yourself

Forearm pain can have a wide variety of causes and always requires medical attention. Once the reason for the discomfort is known, some measures and home remedies promise rapid relief. Pain resulting from tendovaginitis, for example, can be reduced by resting the affected arm and cooling applications. If the forearm pain is due to tennis elbow or a pulled muscle, stretching exercises, massage or heat therapy can help. Excessive stretching or stretching should be avoided, however, as this can exacerbate causative inflammation or overstretching. In cases of severe discomfort, local ultrasound and microwave treatment is recommended, in which the painful area is intensively irradiated, which usually results in relief of the discomfort. Supplementing to it pain-relieving means from nature and household offer themselves. Among other things, curcumin, ginger and devil’s claw have proven effective, as have probiotics and dietary supplements with magnesium, B vitamins and omega-3 fatty acids. In the case of pain resulting from carpal tunnel syndrome, cortisone preparations and the avoidance of unfavorable movements and postures help. If this does not reduce forearm pain, a physician or sports medicine specialist should be consulted for further clarification of the causes.