Burning in the head

What is meant by burning in the head? Headaches can present themselves in different forms. Burning is one of them. This sensation is caused by nerve irritation (neuralgia), for example through inflammation or entrapment. The brain substance itself does not contain any nerves. They are located on the meninges, blood vessels, cranial and spinal nerves … Burning in the head

Treatment | Burning in the head

Treatment With a healthy lifestyle, complaints can often be improved. These include avoiding excessive amounts of caffeine and alcohol, abstaining from nicotine, getting enough sleep and exercise, and keeping your blood pressure at the right level. In general, a holistic view of the complaints is beneficial. The individual needs of the patient should be taken … Treatment | Burning in the head

Diagnosis | Burning in the head

Diagnosis If the burning continues or is accompanied by other complaints, it is advisable to consult a doctor. Given the large number of possible causes, it is important to describe the symptoms in detail. A pain diary can help here. If neuralgia of a single nerve is suspected, it can be specifically switched off with … Diagnosis | Burning in the head