Androgens: Function & Diseases

The male sexual characteristics are not infrequently given a particularly high degree of importance. However, an expression of the male sexual characteristics would not be possible without the help of special hormones. Therefore, androgens prove to be extremely valuable in terms of human development. Among the best known androgens is the hormone testosterone. What are … Androgens: Function & Diseases

Monk Pepper: Applications, Treatments, Health Benefits

Monk’s pepper is an effective medicinal plant, which is mainly used for the treatment of women’s ailments. However, men can also benefit from the effects of its healthy ingredients. The healing power of monk’s pepper was already known in ancient times. Occurrence and cultivation of monk’s pepper. The botanically correct name of monk’s pepper is … Monk Pepper: Applications, Treatments, Health Benefits

Rabies: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Rabies, Rabies or Lyssa is a fatal infectious disease caused by viruses. Mostly rabies is transmitted to humans by wild animals, such as foxes, martens and bats. Not infrequently, however, it is also transmitted by infected feral cats or dogs. Without a vaccination and treatment against rabies, the disease is 100% fatal. What is rabies? … Rabies: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Trauma: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Trauma is basically a wound in the consciousness in the psychological sense. Due to certain circumstances that can occur at any stage of life, the affected person perceives a certain situation completely differently in the aftermath and usually suffers significantly from it. However, the trauma can be healed by professional help. What is trauma? Trauma … Trauma: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Mania: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Mania is an affective disorder with a mood far beyond normal, usually euphoric. While a depressed person tends to be introverted and withdrawn, a manic patient is characterized by strong inner restlessness, sometimes persistent irritability, and loss of inhibitions. What is mania? The ancient Greek word mania means rage, madness, or frenzy. From this, the … Mania: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Chromium: Function & Diseases

Most people are probably more familiar with chromium in connection with rims or stainless steel. But the metal is also vital for the body. What is chromium? Chromium is one of the so-called essential trace elements. The human body cannot produce these itself, which is why they must be added to it regularly through food. … Chromium: Function & Diseases