Femoral neck fracture in older people | Physiotherapy for a fracture of the femoral neck

Femoral neck fracture in older people The femoral neck fracture is a typical fracture of the elderly, especially women are often affected, as women have an increased risk of osteoporosis. The altered bone structure is less resilient and tends to break when force is applied. Frequently, falls occur in the home environment, which lead to … Femoral neck fracture in older people | Physiotherapy for a fracture of the femoral neck

Exercises | Physiotherapy at ISG Complaints during pregnancy

Exercises In physiotherapy, pregnant women learn specific exercises to loosen the tense back muscles and loosen the ISG blockade. The following exercises should be performed in consultation with the therapist. If the symptoms increase, the exercises must be discontinued. Loosening of the ISG joint: The pregnant woman lies down on her back and puts her … Exercises | Physiotherapy at ISG Complaints during pregnancy

Back pain | Physiotherapy at ISG Complaints during pregnancy

Back pain Back pain occurs frequently during pregnancy – even more frequently in combination with ISG blockade. Thus nearly all pregnant women with ISG complaints suffer also from back pain. Because when the stabilizing ligaments of the sacroiliac joint loosen, the back muscles try to compensate for the instability. But since they are not actually … Back pain | Physiotherapy at ISG Complaints during pregnancy

Alternative treatment measures | Physiotherapy at ISG Complaints during pregnancy

Alternative treatment measures In addition to the treatment measures described above, pregnancy gymnastics, pregnancy yoga and acupuncture have also proven to be pain-relieving for ISG complaints. Movements in warm water can also relieve tension and improve mobility. Many pregnant women find it helpful to wear an abdominal belt in order to better distribute the increasing … Alternative treatment measures | Physiotherapy at ISG Complaints during pregnancy

Physiotherapy for an ISG blockage

Biomechanics is particularly important to release the blockage. A forward rotation of the pelvic blades is combined with a flare of the pelvic blades (outflare) and an IR (internal rotation) of the hip joints. A backward rotation of the pelvic scoop is combined with an inward migration of the pelvic scoop and an outward rotation … Physiotherapy for an ISG blockage

ISG blockage symptoms

An ISG blockage is an unpleasant “dislocation” of the lower back. For a better understanding a short explanation of the term: the so-called sacroiliac joint is called ISG. This joint is composed of the Os Ilium and the Os Sacrum, which are the Latin terms for the ilium and sacrum. The ilium is a flat … ISG blockage symptoms