Knee school for the treatment of arthrosis

The exercises for strengthening the thigh extensor and flexor muscles can also be performed well in cases of existing knee arthrosis. Number of repetitions: 3-4 series of 10-15 repetitions with 10sec. Holding time, the break between the training series is 1-2 minutes, every 2nd day training Load intensity: approx. 60% of maximum strength Subjective check: … Knee school for the treatment of arthrosis

Ochronosis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Ochronosis is a congenital metabolic disease whose damaging effects on health usually do not become apparent until middle age. Because of the initial lack of symptoms, the metabolic disease is rarely diagnosed in young children. What is ochronosis? The medical name ochronosis is derived from the color ochre, a shade of yellow. As ochronosis progresses, … Ochronosis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Sinding-Larsen’s disease

Sinding-Larsen’s disease Patellar Tip Syndrome Sinding-Larsen-Johansson disease Larsen Johansson Disease Introduction The disease known as Sinding-Larsen’s disease is an extremely painful inflammatory reaction in the area of the knee joint. The inflammatory processes typical of Sinding-Larsen’s disease have their origin in the patellar tendon (patellar tendon, tendon of the quadriceps muscle) and manifest themselves mainly … Sinding-Larsen’s disease

Therapy | Sinding-Larsen’s disease

Therapy The treatment of Sinding-Larsen’s disease is divided into non-operative (conservative) and operative measures. Depending on the extent and stage of the disease, a different type of treatment is particularly suitable for promoting the regeneration of the affected knee. Initially, however, all affected patients must be spared the corresponding knee and avoid further overloading. For … Therapy | Sinding-Larsen’s disease

Knee Pain in Children

Knee pain occurs relatively frequently in children. Mostly, harmless growing pains are behind the complaints, which are mainly noticeable at night. During physical exertion, on the other hand, the pain usually does not occur. However, knee problems can also have other causes: severe pain that occurs after a fall during sports, for example, can indicate … Knee Pain in Children

Articular effusion in the knee

Introduction In case of a joint effusion in the knee, fluid accumulates in the knee joint. This is often synovial fluid, which is produced in excessive quantities by the joint mucosa (synovia). However, blood (haemarthros) or pus (pyarthros) can also accumulate in the knee. The patients affected often complain of pain and restricted mobility of … Articular effusion in the knee

Acute knee pain

Introduction The knee joint is generally very susceptible to injuries and complaints. Due to the high weight load caused by the body weight alone, as well as by stress in many sports, knee problems and acute knee pain are not uncommon. Acute pain often occurs suddenly and is usually triggered by overloading or an accident. … Acute knee pain