Pain after a puncture

Definition Puncture refers to the targeted pricking to obtain a sample, a so-called “pointate”. In medicine, punctures are used in many places, both for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. A puncture can include simple blood sampling, artificial insemination, and the collection of samples of suspicious tissue. Even though puncture with thin needles is often only a … Pain after a puncture

Pain after a puncture of the iliac crest | Pain after a puncture

Pain after a puncture of the iliac crest Puncture of the iliac crest is a more invasive procedure than fine needle puncture. It is performed under sterile conditions and local anesthesia. The iliac crest contains bone marrow, which can be used to diagnose various blood disorders or hormone metabolism. During the puncture, so-called “punches” or … Pain after a puncture of the iliac crest | Pain after a puncture

Diagnosis | Pain after a puncture

Diagnosis Based on the accompanying symptoms and circumstances, different types of pain must be distinguished. A slight pain a few days after the puncture is usually harmless and is due to the puncture needle pricking.In the case of unusual pain with specific accompanying symptoms, examinations may need to be performed to diagnose organ damage or … Diagnosis | Pain after a puncture

Knee puncture

Definition In a knee joint puncture, a hollow needle is inserted into the knee joint. More precisely, the needle pierces the joint capsule and is inserted into the hollow space of the joint. From there, either joint fluid can be aspirated or drugs can be injected into the joint. The aspirated fluid can be examined … Knee puncture

Contraindications | Knee puncture

Contraindications Anticoagulant therapy with Marcumar® is currently not a contraindication for knee joint puncture. In individual cases, the coagulation should be checked beforehand by means of a blood analysis. With Marcumar®, bleeding or bruising in the joint may occur more frequently after the puncture. According to the current AWMF guidelines, only infection, skin disease or … Contraindications | Knee puncture

How often can one puncture a knee? | Knee puncture

How often can one puncture a knee? Knee punctures should only be performed if there is a clear indication for this. Due to the possible complications, puncture should otherwise be avoided. Therefore the following rule applies: Knee punctures should be performed as rarely as possible. Nevertheless, there are indications where multiple punctures are necessary. Often … How often can one puncture a knee? | Knee puncture