Leishmaniasis: Symptoms, Therapy, Prognosis

Leishmaniasis: Description Leishmaniasis is particularly widespread in tropical-subtropical regions. In this country, leishmaniasis is rare; cases that do occur usually affect travelers returning from tropical countries. As a result of climate change, the heat-loving vectors of the parasites – sand flies – are increasingly spreading from the Mediterranean region to more northerly regions. For example, … Leishmaniasis: Symptoms, Therapy, Prognosis

Leishmaniasis Symptoms

Leishmaniasis is a disease transmitted by sand flies or butterfly mosquitoes. These mosquitoes bite both animals, such as dogs, and humans. The causative agent of the tropical infectious disease – the leishmania – are unicellular parasites. The symptoms can vary depending on the form of the disease and the disease can even take a fatal … Leishmaniasis Symptoms

Tropical Diseases: Protection from Bites

How incredibly fast a mosquito-borne disease can spread geographically is shown particularly clearly by the example of the “West Nile” virus. The viral disease, which manifests itself 1-6 days after a mosquito bite with sudden high fever, headache, and pain in the limbs, was first diagnosed in Uganda in 1937. West Nile fever in the … Tropical Diseases: Protection from Bites