Leukemia rash

Introduction Leukemia is a malignant disease of the blood in which there is an uninhibited production of immature cells and a decrease in functional blood cells. This disease is also known as blood cancer. It can manifest itself through a variety of, initially mostly unspecific symptoms. Among other things, it can lead to skin changes … Leukemia rash

Difference in rash in chronic and acute leukemia | Leukemia rash

Difference in rash in chronic and acute leukemia Every form of leukemia can in principle also be accompanied by a skin rash. However, there is no clear difference between the rash that can occur in acute leukemia and the possible skin symptoms in the chronic form. In most cases, both forms of leukemia do not … Difference in rash in chronic and acute leukemia | Leukemia rash


Products Rasburicase is commercially available as an injectable (Fasturtec). It has been approved in many countries since 2002. Structure and properties Rasburicase is a recombinant urate oxidase enzyme produced by a genetically modified strain of yeast. Effects The enzyme rasburicase (ATC V03AF07) catalyzes the enzymatic oxidation of uric acid into allantoin, a water-soluble substance that, … Rasburicase

Gingivitis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Gum inflammation (gingivitis) is a bacterial inflamed dental disease of the oral cavity. The cause of this inflammation is mostly due to poor oral hygiene. Typical complaints are bleeding gums, toothache and swelling of the gums. In the course of untreated gingivitis, the gums slowly recede from the necks of the teeth, which can lead … Gingivitis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Wilson’s disease

Synonyms Wilson’s disease, hepatolenticular degenerationWilson’s disease is a genetically determined disease in which there is increased storage of copper in various organs due to a disturbance in copper metabolism (so-called storage disease). This leads to progressive damage to the affected organs, with the liver and brain being particularly affected. Various forms of Wilson’s disease are … Wilson’s disease

Prognosis | Wilson’s disease

Prognosis If left untreated, the disease is often fatal. If the disease is treated in time, conservative measures are usually sufficient and liver transplantation can be avoided. All articles in this series: Wilson’s disease Prognosis

Diagnosis | Pain in lymph nodes in the groin

Diagnosis For a correct diagnosis, a good anamnesis and physical examination are crucial. If the lymph nodes are palpated, a distinction is made between enlarged, soft, easily displaceable, pressure painful nodes, which indicates an infectious cause. A further distinction is made between enlarged, coarse, non-painful nodules that are fused with the surrounding tissue, which may … Diagnosis | Pain in lymph nodes in the groin