Lysosome: Function & Diseases

Lysosomes are organelles in the cells of living organisms with formed nuclei (eukaryotes). Lysosomes are vesicles of a cell that are enclosed by a membrane and contain digestive enzymes. The function of lysosomes, which are maintained in an acidic environment, is to break down endogenous and exogenous substances and to initiate cellular destruction (apoptosis) when … Lysosome: Function & Diseases

Lipases: Function & Diseases

Lipases form a group of water-soluble enzymes that contribute to the breakdown of fats in catabolic metabolism. The main group of lipases, pancreatic and phospholipases, catabolize lipids such as tri- and diglycerides and cholesterol esters by catalytically cleaving simple fatty acids and glycerol. The substances are further metabolized by the body or further used for … Lipases: Function & Diseases

Tasks of the pancreas

Introduction The pancreas lies behind the peritoneum (retroperitoneal) in the upper abdomen. The pancreas has two parts, a so-called exocrine (= outward-facing) and an endocrine (= inward-facing). The exocrine part is the pancreas, i.e. a digestive juice that is released into the duodenum. The endocrine part produces the hormones insulin and glucagon and releases them … Tasks of the pancreas

Hormones of the exocrine component | Tasks of the pancreas

Hormones of the exocrine component The main digestive enzymes found in pancreas can be divided into three major groups. Proteolytic enzymes (protein-splitting enzymes), some of which are secreted as zymogens, carbohydrate-splitting enzymes and lipolytic enzymes (fat-splitting enzymes). The most important representatives of proteases include trypsin(ogen), chymotrypsin, (pro)elastases and carboxypeptidases. These enzymes cleave proteins at different … Hormones of the exocrine component | Tasks of the pancreas