Hemochromatosis and diabetes mellitus | Hemochromatosis

Hemochromatosis and diabetes mellitus Iron storage in hemochromatosis affects not only the liver, but many other organs as well. One of the organs affected is the pancreas, which produces the hormone insulin. Insulin is essential for sugar metabolism. The pancreas is damaged by the storage of iron, which can reduce or even stop the production … Hemochromatosis and diabetes mellitus | Hemochromatosis

History | Hemochromatosis

History The first information about the appearance of hemochromatosis was given by a Mr. Armand Trousseau in the 19th century. He described a symptom complex consisting of liver cirrhosis, diabetes and dark skin pigmentation. 20 years later the term hemochromatosis was coined. In the 1970s, the autosomal recessive inheritance was recognized and in the 1990s … History | Hemochromatosis

Portal Vein Hypertension

Synonyms in a broader sense Medical: Portals hypertension liver, cirrhosis of the liver Definition Portal Vein Hypertension Portal hypertension is the chronically increased pressure in the portal vein (vena portae) above a certain threshold. This pressure increase is caused by an obstruction of the blood flow through the portal vein or the liver, which can … Portal Vein Hypertension

Diagnosis portal vein hypertension | Portal Vein Hypertension

Diagnosis portal vein hypertension For the detection of portal vein hypertension, it is not possible to use the definition directly, since it is not possible to measure blood pressure locally in the portal vein. Instead, the diagnosis is made on the basis of various other criteria. These include the detection of bleeding in the esophagus … Diagnosis portal vein hypertension | Portal Vein Hypertension

The late stage prognosis | Is cirrhosis of the liver curable?

The late stage prognosis The late stage of liver cirrhosis, also called end stage, is accompanied by numerous subsequent symptoms and complications. Both the production of vital proteins such as albumin and the elemination of bilirubin or other toxic metabolic processes are already severely restricted. Blood congestion in the liver (portal vein hypertension) leads to … The late stage prognosis | Is cirrhosis of the liver curable?

Liver Pain

Introduction Listed below is an overview of all diseases that can cause liver pain. General Symptoms Causes Rarely does the pain experienced as liver pain rarely actually come from the liver. In these rare cases, the cause is usually an increase in the size of the liver. This creates tension on the capsule surrounding the … Liver Pain