Therapy of liver cancer

Note All information given here is of general nature only, a tumor therapy always belongs in the hands of an experienced oncologist (tumor specialist) ! ! Introduction Hepatocellular carcinoma (liver cancer) is a serious disease of the cells and tissue of the liver. In most cases, the cause of this uncontrolled cell proliferation is due … Therapy of liver cancer

What are the treatment options? | Therapy of liver cancer

What are the treatment options? There are a number of therapeutic procedures for the treatment of liver cancer. The therapeutic procedure with the best prognosis is surgical removal of the cancer. This usually requires the removal of part of the liver. However, in many cases this is not possible. In these cases, a liver transplantation … What are the treatment options? | Therapy of liver cancer

What are the side effects of the therapy? | Therapy of liver cancer

What are the side effects of the therapy? The side effects vary depending on the therapy. Liver transplantation is associated with a certain risk of rejection. Rejection usually occurs in the first year after transplantation.There are different rejection reactions. In some cases the transplant must be removed because of this. In all cases, a lifelong … What are the side effects of the therapy? | Therapy of liver cancer

How liver cancer is diagnosed | Therapy of liver cancer

How liver cancer is diagnosed In addition to the anamnesis interview, in which the doctor asks about the beginning and course of the complaint, the doctor should also carry out a physical examination with palpation and listening to the abdomen. Sometimes he can thus diagnose an enlarged liver, thickened tumor or flow sounds of the … How liver cancer is diagnosed | Therapy of liver cancer

Prophylaxis of liver cancer | Therapy of liver cancer

Prophylaxis of liver cancer An important preventive measure is the prevention of diseases that can cause hepatocellular carcinoma (liver cancer) – e.g. liver cirrhosis, hepatitis. If there is an alcohol problem, abstinence must be achieved immediately, especially if cirrhosis of the liver has already been detected. In order to avoid one of the numerous liver … Prophylaxis of liver cancer | Therapy of liver cancer


inflammation of the liver, inflammation of liver parenchyma, viral hepatitis, autoimmune hepatitis, toxic hepatitis Definition By hepatitis the physician understands an inflammation of the liver, which can be caused by a variety of liver cell damaging influences such as viruses, toxins, autoimmune processes, drugs and physical causes. The various hepatitides cause liver cell destruction and … Hepatitis

What other forms of hepatitis are there besides A, B, C, D, E? | Hepatitis

What other forms of hepatitis are there besides A, B, C, D, E? The causes of hepatitis discussed so far in this article are not the only triggers. In addition to the directly infectious hepatitis, caused by hepatitis viruses A, B, C, D and E, so-called accompanying hepatitis (accompanying liver inflammation) can also occur. These … What other forms of hepatitis are there besides A, B, C, D, E? | Hepatitis

How do I get infected with hepatitis? | Hepatitis

How do I get infected with hepatitis? The possibility of infection is more dangerous for certain groups of people than for others. As already mentioned, there are different ways of transmission of the individual virus diseases. Hepatitis A and hepatitis E, for example, can be transmitted mainly through contaminated food such as food or water. … How do I get infected with hepatitis? | Hepatitis

Therapy | Hepatitis

Therapy The therapy of the individual hepatitides is very different (see subchapter on hepatits). The most important thing in therapy is the elimination of the cause responsible for the hepatitis. In the case of alcoholic hepatitis, this means absolute abstinence from alcohol.The toxin must also be avoided in the case of drugs and other toxic … Therapy | Hepatitis

Liver Failure

Definition Liver failure (hepatic failure, liver failure) is the maximum degree of liver insufficiency. This results in a partial loss of metabolic functions of the liver. In the worst case, all liver functions come to a standstill. Terminal liver failure with loss of metabolic functions of the liver is a life-threatening situation that requires immediate … Liver Failure