Symptoms | Diaphragmatic spasm


The symptoms of a diaphragmatic spasm are many and varied. For example, hiccups can be the only symptoms, but colicky pain in the upper abdomen can also occur. Furthermore, the rhythmic contraction of the diaphragm can affect other organs.

Breathlessness can occur due to the irregular work. The function of the stomach can also be restricted. A diaphragmatic spasm combined with a resulting irregular distribution of air in the abdominal cavity can also lead to increased pressure on the heart, which in turn can trigger cardiac arrhythmia.

Breathlessness and impairment of other organs are rarely associated with a diaphragmatic spasm, hiccups are more common. Since the diaphragm is a muscle plate, the pain associated with it is usually muscular in nature. Similar to the muscles of the arms or legs, a cramp leads to a hardening of the muscle fibers supplied with nerves.

This leads to the well-known cramp pain. The pain is described as dull to pulling and extremely unpleasant, but since the diaphragm begins to loosen after a short time, it does not last longer than one or two minutes. The next spasm can occur again quite quickly.

Therefore, the typical rhythmic colicky, wave-like pain in the upper abdomen often occurs. The diaphragm is an organ responsible for regular breathing. Through its contraction it expands the thorax, in which the lung is suspended.

The air required is passively drawn into the lungs by the negative pressure in the surrounding chest area. If there is a cramp or irritation of the diaphragm, the breathing movement is only incomplete, which results in a reduced negative pressure and thus a lower inflow of air. This causes the body to lack the necessary oxygen and leads to breathlessness, which can be accompanied by so-called vegetative symptoms such as rapid pulse and palpitations, anxiety and tightness in the chest and sweating. If a diaphragmatic spasm leads to shortness of breath, this is a serious complication that must be treated.However, it is rather difficult to diagnose a diaphragmatic spasm as a definite cause, since other organs such as the heart and lungs are suspected and investigated as triggers first.