Iliac crest

Anatomy The ilium (os ilium) has several palpable bone points. One of these points is the iliac crest (syn. : iliac crest, or lat. : Crista iliaca) as the upper limit of the ilium. It ends in the anterior superior iliac spine at the front and in the posterior superior iliac spine at the back. … Iliac crest

Bone marrow puncture | Iliac crest

Bone marrow puncture A bone marrow puncture can be used for diagnostic (sample collection) as well as therapeutic (collection of stem cells for stem cell transplantation) purposes. A bone marrow puncture is indicated, for example, in cases of suspected anaemia, leukaemia or bone marrow metastases from cancer. The bone marrow collection is carried out after … Bone marrow puncture | Iliac crest

Gait disorder

Definition A gait disorder is a disturbance of the physiological movement sequence that makes walking difficult or impossible. It can be an expression of neurological, orthopedic or even psychological disorders. The gait disorder is based on damage to the central nervous system, peripheral nerves or the locomotor system, which consists of muscles, bones and joints. … Gait disorder