Loss of Libido: Treatment, Causes

Brief overview What is loss of libido?: Lack of desire for sex and disturbance of the sex drive. Treatment: Depending on the cause: therapy of the underlying disease, sex or marriage counseling, life counseling, etc. Causes: e.g. pregnancy/birth, menopause, testosterone deficiency, heart, vascular or nerve diseases, diabetes, cirrhosis of the liver or kidney insufficiency, but … Loss of Libido: Treatment, Causes

Testosterone in men and women | Testosterone deficiency

Testosterone in men and women Testosterone is a sex hormone that occurs in both men and women. The testosterone level and thus the amount of testosterone in the blood is much higher in men. The tasks for which testosterone is responsible in the body are also more numerous in men than in women. Nevertheless, testosterone … Testosterone in men and women | Testosterone deficiency

Prognosis | Testosterone deficiency

Prognosis The prognosis of a testosterone deficiency is generally considered very good. It is important that a testosterone deficiency is detected so that it can be treated properly. A testosterone deficiency is basically not a serious disease and can usually be easily treated. However, the individual symptoms can be very limiting and can lead to … Prognosis | Testosterone deficiency

What are the tests that detect depression? | Detecting depression

What are the tests that detect depression? Since this is a mental illness, there are no clear tests or laboratory values that would indicate depression. The diagnosis is made by means of questionnaires and psychological/psychotherapeutic sessions. Questionnaires in particular are abundant, from simple online self-tests to valid standardised scales used by doctors. These also include … What are the tests that detect depression? | Detecting depression

Detecting depression

Introduction Depression is a disease with a thousand faces. Therefore, it is not necessarily easy to recognise a depression, especially if you are the person affected. It is commonly known that depression has something to do with unhappiness, bad mood and in the worst case with suicide. However, the disease of depression is much more … Detecting depression

Insufficient vaginal lubrication (lubrication)

Synonyms Vaginal humidification = lubrication Introduction A deficient lubrication is an insufficient moistening of the female sexual organs during intercourse. This can have both physical and psychological causes. Some women have a permanent condition, while other women only have problems with lubrication for a limited period of time. Since inadequate lubrication can lead to pain … Insufficient vaginal lubrication (lubrication)

How can the lubrication be increased? | Insufficient vaginal lubrication (lubrication)

How can the lubrication be increased? Increasing the body’s own lubrication is only possible by eliminating or treating the cause. In the case of mental illness, knowledge of the illness itself can be helpful. A quiet, private environment can already help. Drug treatment can also relieve the symptoms. In the case of stress, the lubrication … How can the lubrication be increased? | Insufficient vaginal lubrication (lubrication)