Insufficient vaginal lubrication (lubrication)


Vaginal humidification = lubrication


A deficient lubrication is an insufficient moistening of the female sexual organs during intercourse. This can have both physical and psychological causes. Some women have a permanent condition, while other women only have problems with lubrication for a limited period of time.

Since inadequate lubrication can lead to pain during sexual intercourse and thus limit the quality of life of those affected, therapeutic measures may be necessary. Commercial lubricants are available for quick help. If you are suffering from vaginal dryness, we recommend our page on: Vaginal dryness – You should know this!

Causes for a lack of lubrication

The causes of inadequate lubrication can be both physical and psychological:

  • Lubrication is usually increased by sexual arousal. In the absence of desire, there is no increased lubrication. This can be a fundamental disinterest in sexual contacts.

    Various drugs can suppress the lust and thus also the lubrication. One group of drugs that trigger this are the blood pressure reducers. The contraceptive pill can also reduce lust.

  • Other physical causes can be changes in the hormone balance.

    With the menopause, many women suffer from reduced desire and vaginal dryness.

  • Some chronic diseases can also lead to a dry vagina. These include high blood pressure, diabetes and multiple sclerosis. Cancer therapies, such as surgical removal of the ovaries or hormone deprivation treatment are also possible causes.
  • Alcohol can also dampen libido and thus the lubrication.
  • Permanent stress can also be a cause.

    Psychological causes can be for example a beginning depression with loss of libido or pressure to perform. Traumatic events or problems in the partnership can also have an effect on lubrication. After childbirth, women often have less sexual interest and thus a reduced lubrication.

Other accompanying symptoms

The most common accompanying symptom of poor lubrication is also a cause. This is the loss of libido, which is often due to stress, mental illness or drug side effects. The dry vagina often leads to pain and irritation of the mucous membrane during sexual intercourse, which is also often a symptom that leads to a visit to the gynecologist.

Since in many women the dryness does not only occur during sexual intercourse but is also a permanent condition, vaginal infections are more frequent. These include especially fungal infections with Candida Albicans, but some bacterial infections (bacterial vaginal disease) are also possible. Other symptoms are related to the causative disease.

Causes such as stress and depression are often associated with a general lack of drive and joylessness. Sleep disorders are also more frequent. In the case of drug-induced lack of lubrication, the other symptoms are very specific for certain active ingredients and are difficult to generalize.

Diabetes patients can also have eye problems, kidney disease and vascular disease, especially in the later stages. In menopausal patients, further symptoms may be caused by the hormone deficiency. The symptoms of the menopause include hot flushes, sleep disturbances and mood swings. The accompanying symptoms can therefore vary greatly depending on the cause and are not equally pronounced in every person affected. Since infections can occur more frequently as a result of inadequate vaginal lubrication, this may also be of interest to you: Symptoms of vaginal mycosis