Treatment | Shoulder shrug

Treatment Therapy and treatment depend on the cause of the shoulder twitch. Relaxation techniques and the learning of stress management techniques are helpful in stress situations. If there is severe psychological stress, psychotherapy is advisable. If there is a magnesium deficiency, the symptoms are alleviated by taking additional magnesium and a balanced diet. Magnesium can … Treatment | Shoulder shrug

How long do shoulder twitches last? | Shoulder shrug

How long do shoulder twitches last? Harmless muscle twitches in the shoulder are usually only of short duration and not as pronounced. Furthermore, they do not occur as frequently. Under stress, however, the twitching can become more pronounced. In ALS, slight twitches occur more frequently and are of varying duration. In the course of the … How long do shoulder twitches last? | Shoulder shrug

Diagnosis | Shoulder shrug

Diagnosis When the cause is investigated by the doctor, information about the duration and intensity of the twitching is important. In addition, it is important for the doctor to know what medication the person concerned is taking and what other symptoms exist. The consultation with the doctor is followed by a neurological examination with tests … Diagnosis | Shoulder shrug

Calf Cramps: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Everyone certainly knows calf cramps, because almost all people suffer from them from time to time. Especially at night, the calf cramps seem particularly painful, because the affected person has focused all his attention, on the strong and stabbing pain that occurs at rest. What are calf cramps? Calf cramp describes a painful tightening of … Calf Cramps: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

How long do muscle twitches last? | Muscle twitching in the upper arm

How long do muscle twitches last? The duration of muscle twitching also depends mainly on the underlying cause. In most cases, no specific cause can or must be identified and the twitching disappears within a few days to weeks, even without treatment. On the other hand, in the case of a herniated disc, the symptoms … How long do muscle twitches last? | Muscle twitching in the upper arm


Introduction Biolectra is a group of different drugs from the manufacturer Hermes. The Biolectra preparations on offer are assigned to the group of dietary supplements and contain magnesium or zinc, or a combination of active ingredients from different dietary supplements, depending on the product line. The preparations are available both as capsules and in the … Biolectra

Side effects of Biolectra | Biolectra

Side effects of Biolectra As with all medicines, taking Biolectra with the ingredients magnesium and zinc is not without possible side effects. These occur with varying frequency and can be individually pronounced. Biolectra preparations containing the active ingredient magnesium are increasingly associated with diarrhoea and digestive disorders. Products containing zinc can be associated with a … Side effects of Biolectra | Biolectra

Magnesium in Pregnancy

Who wants to become pregnant or is already pregnant, is always looking for nutrition tips, advice on how to behave during pregnancy. Gladly heard are also testimonials from other pregnant women. A not infrequently treated chapter is magnesium in pregnancy. Why do we need magnesium? Pregnant women have an increased need for nutrients, calories, vitamins … Magnesium in Pregnancy