Exercises for back pain during pregnancy

During pregnancy, back pain is not uncommon. Since pregnant women are somewhat limited in their choice of therapy, conservative therapy methods are often used, which help to get the complaints under control. Especially the execution of specific exercises to loosen, stretch, strengthen and stabilize the back muscles have proven to be a good alternative to conventional painkillers.

The exercises have the advantage that you remain active during pregnancy and do something good for yourself and your joints. The exercises not only reduce pain, but also increase your flexibility and freedom of movement, so that you generally feel fitter and more energetic. Which exercises are best for you at which stage of your pregnancy and for you personally is best discussed with your doctor, therapist or midwife. Many of the exercises can be easily integrated into the daily routine after the initial instruction, so that back pain is not only combated but also treated preventively and sustainably.


1) Strengthening the lower back muscles Lie on your back. The hands lie loosely along the body, the shoulders touch the floor completely. Now place your feet close to your buttocks and push yourself up.

Make sure that the back of your thighs and back form a straight line and that your shoulders touch the floor. Hold this position for 20 seconds. 3 passes.

2) Stretching the spine Move to the quadruped position. Now tilt your pelvis forward and bend your back as if you wanted to make a cat’s hump. Your chin will tilt towards your chest.

Hold this position for about 5 seconds and then return to the starting position. 5 repetitions. 3) Strengthening the back muscles Sit on the floor.

Legs are stretched out long towards the front. Now place your hands under your shoulder and push yourself up so that only your heels and hands touch the floor and your body forms a straight line. Hold this position for 10 seconds.

Depending on your endurance, do 2-3 passes. 4) Strengthening and stability Move to the quadruped position. Simultaneously lift your left arm and right leg in an extended position.

Make sure that your hip remains straight and does not sag. Hold this position for 10 seconds and then change sides. 3 repetitions per side.

5) Stretch Sit on the floor and spread your legs like trying to do the splits. Now try to reach your left foot with your left hand. Make sure that your legs are completely on the floor.

Hold your maximum stretch for 15 seconds and then change sides. 2 passes. 6) Relieve the lumbar spine Lie down on the floor and place your legs at a 90° angle on a support (e.g. a gym ball or the edge of a chair).

Stay in this position for several minutes and feel how the pressure is taken off your spine. 7) Loosen the neck and upper back Stand straight and upright. The legs are about shoulder width apart.

Now raise your arms straight up and make yourself very long so that the whole body is stretched. Then bend forward from this extension and let your arms swing loosely back and forth for a few seconds. More exercises for the back can be found in the articles:

  • Exercises for a slipped disc during pregnancy
  • Exercises against back pain
  • Exercises for sciatic pain during pregnancy