Marcumar Helps Against Thrombosis

This is the active ingredient in Marcumar Phenprocoumon is the active ingredient in Marcumar. It has an anticoagulant effect by blocking the conversion of a vitamin K intermediate into its active form. Vitamin K plays an important role in blood clotting. It mediates a biochemical process in the body during which the precursor of blood … Marcumar Helps Against Thrombosis

Do I have to take Plavix® off before dental surgery? | Plavix

Do I have to take Plavix® off before dental surgery? The dentist will tell you if and when Plavix® has to be discontinued before a tooth intervention such as tooth extraction. If necessary, he will decide in consultation with the family doctor when the medication should no longer be taken. Under no circumstances should you … Do I have to take Plavix® off before dental surgery? | Plavix

Related drugs | Plavix

Related drugs Ticlopidine – it uses the same mechanism of action as Plavix® (clopidogrel), but has been largely ousted by its partner with fewer side effects due to the possible development of severe leukopenia (a sharp drop in white blood cell count) as a side effect Abciximab, eptifibatide, tirofiban – they also inhibit primary hemostasis, … Related drugs | Plavix


Synonyms Clopidogrel Definition Plavix®(clopidogrel) is used as a drug and belongs to the group of antiplatelet aggregation inhibitors. It thus prevents blood from clotting and thus prevents the formation of thrombi (blood clots), which potentially lead to embolism (complete dislocation of blood vessels), which can result in a pulmonary embolism or stroke, for example, and … Plavix

Quick value

The quick value is a laboratory value for checking blood coagulation and is also known as the prothrombin time or thromboplastin time (TPZ). Blood clotting is an essential function of the body to stop bleeding and consists of a primary and a secondary part. The primary part of blood clotting causes the formation of a … Quick value

How does the Quick value differ from the INR value? | Quick value

How does the Quick value differ from the INR value? The INR value (International Normalized Ratio) represents a standardized variant of the quick value, which provides better comparability of the values across laboratories and thus, depending on the laboratory, is subject to fewer fluctuations. For this reason, the INR value is increasingly replacing the quick … How does the Quick value differ from the INR value? | Quick value

What are the reasons for too low quick values? | Quick value

What are the reasons for too low quick values? The cause of too low quick values can be caused on the one hand by a synthesis disorder of the liver. The liver produces all important coagulation factors that are essential for blood clotting. Thus, patients suffering from liver cirrhosis can suffer complications such as bleeding, … What are the reasons for too low quick values? | Quick value

Orientation values after certain treatments | Quick value

Orientation values after certain treatments Basically, it must be repeated once again that the Quick value is hardly used anymore due to inaccuracies and strong fluctuations in the measurement results and has been replaced by the INR value instead. After thrombosisQuick target value 22-37 %INR value 2-3 Quick target value 22-37 % INR value 2-3 … Orientation values after certain treatments | Quick value


Introduction D-dimers are proteins that are formed when a thrombus is dissolved. They are cleavage products of fibrin that circulate freely in the blood. Their value is mainly determined when thrombosis is suspected. However, its significance is limited. A high D-dimer value can have many causes and does not clearly prove the presence of a … D-dimers

D-dimer test | D-dimers

D-dimer test D-dimers are determined by means of a specific antibody test. This test is not only carried out to rule out thrombosis, but also for the diagnosis and monitoring of other diseases. In clinical routine the determination of D-dimers is performed indirectly by means of specific antibodies. These bind to a specific region of … D-dimer test | D-dimers