Medicines for colitis ulcerosa

Introduction Ulcerative colitis is initially treated with drugs both in the non-inflammatory phase and in the acute inflammatory phase. The choice of medication depends on the cause of the therapy and the severity of the disease. The fact that there are different groups of drugs with varying degrees of anti-inflammatory effect means that the therapy … Medicines for colitis ulcerosa

What medications are used in the event of a relapse? | Medicines for colitis ulcerosa

What medications are used in the event of a relapse? Which drugs are used in the relapse depends on the severity of the individual relapse. A mild episode without fever and only a few bloody diarrhoea cases can be treated well in most cases with Salofalk alone. Salofalk® (mesalazine) can be given in the form … What medications are used in the event of a relapse? | Medicines for colitis ulcerosa

Are there also over-the-counter medications available? | Medicines for colitis ulcerosa

Are there also over-the-counter medications available? The drugs of the normal therapy regime are all prescription. Since many of the drugs, especially cortisone and immunosuppressants, can cause serious side effects, they may only be prescribed by doctors. This enables the treating physician to regularly monitor the patient’s symptoms, as Ulcerative colitis in relapse is a … Are there also over-the-counter medications available? | Medicines for colitis ulcerosa