
Definition The active ingredient cinnarizine is used to treat symptoms originating from diseases of the inner ear. The inner ear is the organ of equilibrium, which can lead to dizziness and nausea when malfunctioning. Effect The active ingredient cinnarizine is able to reduce the symptoms of Meniere’s disease, namely nausea and dizziness. In addition, cinnarizine … Cinnarizine

Hearing loss

Hearing loss is an acute and sudden partial loss of hearing with concomitant hearing loss in one, and in rare cases, both ears. The severity of the hearing loss ranges from hardly noticeable to complete deafness. In Germany, about 15,000 to 20,000 people a year are affected by sudden deafness. Both women and men are … Hearing loss

Therapy | Hearing loss

Therapy 50% of sudden deafness recedes within the first few days. If the severity of a symptomatic sudden deafness is low and it can be excluded, it is therefore often advisable to stay in bed and wait. Other measures include the highly concentrated systemic or intratympanal administration of glucocorticoids over a few days. In intratympanal … Therapy | Hearing loss

Prophylaxis | Hearing loss

Prophylaxis An important preventive measure of the hearing loss consists in the treatment of causing basic illnesses. The medical adjustment of high blood pressure and a corresponding medical adjustment of diabetes mellitus, an inhibition of blood coagulation in patients with coagulation disorders as well as the adjustment of an elevated cholesterol level and the reduction … Prophylaxis | Hearing loss

Dizziness while lying down

Synonyms in a broader sense Medical: Vertigo forms: Positional vertigo, spinning vertigo, vertigo Introduction Dizziness (Vertigo) while lying down can, like dizziness in general, be caused by many different diseases. In addition to an organic change in which the dizziness can be explained, often mental illness, strain and stress also play an important role in … Dizziness while lying down

Benigner Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo | Dizziness while lying down

Benigner Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo One reason for dizziness while lying down can be the so-called benign paroxysmal positioning vertigo (benign paroxysmal positioning vertigo).This is a widespread dizziness disorder that occurs twice as often in women as in men. The probability also increases with increasing age. Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo manifests itself with Short, less than … Benigner Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo | Dizziness while lying down

What is the role of the cervical spine in vertigo while lying down? | Dizziness while lying down

What is the role of the cervical spine in vertigo while lying down? Dizziness that occurs or does not improve while lying down can also result from injuries to the cervical spine. For this purpose, possible triggers in the sense of a fall, accident or other injuries or forces acting not only on the cervical … What is the role of the cervical spine in vertigo while lying down? | Dizziness while lying down


Other term Nitroglycerin Use of Glonoinum in the following diseases in homeopathy Angina pectoris High blood pressure Irritation and inflammation of the meninges Dizziness (Meniere’s disease) Migraine Glaucoma Use of Glonoinum for the following symptoms Aggravation by: amelioration: Complaints similar to sunstroke or irritation of the meninges Face initially bright red, later pale Pulsating neck … Glonoinum

The organ of equilibrium

Synonyms Vestibular apparatus, vestibularis organ, vestibular organ, vestibular balance ability, movement coordination, dizziness, vestibular organ failure Introduction The human organ of equilibrium is located in the inner ear, in the so-called labyrinth. Several structures, fluids and sensory fields are involved, which measure rotational and linear accelerations in order to maintain the body’s equilibrium and enable … The organ of equilibrium

Function of the organ of equilibrium | The organ of equilibrium

Function of the organ of equilibrium The function of our equilibrium organ (vestibular organ) is to keep our body in balance in every position and situation so that we can orientate ourselves in space. This phenomenon is especially impressive when you are sitting on a very fast moving carousel. Although the body rotates against the … Function of the organ of equilibrium | The organ of equilibrium

How does dizziness develop through the organ of balance? | The organ of equilibrium

How does dizziness develop through the organ of balance? Dizziness can be caused in different places. The vestibular organ takes the sense of balance and transmits it via a large nerve to the brain. The cause of dizziness can therefore be in the organ of balance or in the large vestibular nerve (e.g. neuritis vestibularis). … How does dizziness develop through the organ of balance? | The organ of equilibrium