Pulling in the chest while breathing | Pain and pulling in the chest

Pulling in the chest while breathing However, strong pulling in the chest can also be due to internal diseases. Particularly in the case of pulling in the chest, which occurs during breathing, a doctor should be consulted promptly and comprehensive diagnostics should be initiated. If the pulling in the chest occurs mainly when breathing, this … Pulling in the chest while breathing | Pain and pulling in the chest

Pulling in the breast during ovulation | Pain and pulling in the chest

Pulling in the breast during ovulation A pulling in the breast that occurs before, during or after ovulation is one of the most common cycle-related complaints. Especially young and/or very slim women are regularly affected by such complaints. The reason for the occurrence of breast tenderness before, during or after ovulation is the natural hormonal … Pulling in the breast during ovulation | Pain and pulling in the chest

White deadnettle

Latin name: Lamium albumGenus: Labiate familyFolk names: Cuckoo nettle, Flower nettle Plant description The plant grows 40 to 50 cm high, the stem hollow and square, the leaves opposite, stalked, heart-shaped and toothed at the edges. Along the stem large, pure white labiates grow all around. Flowering time: April to October. Occurrence: Widespread along roadsides, … White deadnettle