White deadnettle

Latin name: Lamium albumGenus: Labiate familyFolk names: Cuckoo nettle, Flower nettle

Plant description

The plant grows 40 to 50 cm high, the stem hollow and square, the leaves opposite, stalked, heart-shaped and toothed at the edges. Along the stem large, pure white labiates grow all around. Flowering time: April to October. Occurrence: Widespread along roadsides, bushes and railroad embankments. The flowers.


Saponins, mucilages, little essential oil, flavone glycosides.

Curative effects and application

Conventional medicine does not use this drug. In folk medicine it is used for painful menstruation, white discharge of young girls. It is also used for stomach and intestinal problems and catarrhs of the upper airways, and as a sleeping aid and sedative for elderly people.


Deafnettle tea: 1 to 2 teaspoons of deadnettle blossoms are poured over 1⁄4 l cold water, heated to boil, let it steep for 5 minutes, strain. You can drink 2 to 3 cups a day over a longer period of time. Sweeten with honey for coughs and to calm down.

In the case of the complaints described above, a mixture of dead-nettle and yarrow has proved to be effective in equal parts. The preparation as described above. For external use in poorly healing wounds, the dead-nettle flowers can be mixed with arnica flowers in equal parts. Prepare a tea from this and use it as a compress.

Side effects

None expected at normal dosage.