Forgot to take it in the first week | Forgotten to take the pill – what to do?

Forgot to take it in the first week If a patient forgets to take her pill in the 1st week, this means that the patient has no protection for at least 7 days after forgetting to take the pill, even if all other pills were taken in time afterwards. If a patient forgets to take … Forgot to take it in the first week | Forgotten to take the pill – what to do?

Forgot the pill several times | Forgotten to take the pill – what to do?

Forgot the pill several times If you have forgotten to take the pill not only once but several times, you must use double contraception for the entire time! The 7-day rule, according to which you have sufficient protection after 7 days of correct pill taking even without a condom, does not apply here. Here too, … Forgot the pill several times | Forgotten to take the pill – what to do?

Menstruation, Period & Menstrual Cycle: Function, Task & Diseases

When was the last period, when was the first, and at what interval does it occur at all? With these questions the gynecologist usually opens the consultation interview with his patient. A guide to menstruation, periods and ovulation. Period, menstruation and menstruation Already in the newborn girl, there are about 400,000 urei in the two … Menstruation, Period & Menstrual Cycle: Function, Task & Diseases

What is the temperature rise during ovulation? | Ovulation and temperature

What is the temperature rise during ovulation? The temperature rise at ovulation depends on the woman’s initial values as well as on her physical condition on the day of ovulation. As a rule, ovulation causes the temperature to rise by 0.2 to 0.5o Celsius. Since these are very low values, a very accurate temperature measurement … What is the temperature rise during ovulation? | Ovulation and temperature

How safe is the temperature method to get pregnant? | Ovulation and temperature

How safe is the temperature method to get pregnant? The safety of getting pregnant with the temperature method varies from woman to woman and depends on the physical and emotional conditions of the woman. If all the requirements for pregnancy are met, the exact application of the temperature method increases the chances of getting pregnant. … How safe is the temperature method to get pregnant? | Ovulation and temperature

Morning-after Pill: Effects, Uses & Risks

Pregnancy can also be prevented when it is actually already too late – with the morning-after pill. However, it is important to act quickly. The sooner it is taken after unprotected sexual intercourse, the higher the degree of effectiveness. What is the “morning-after pill”? The morning-after pill is a hormone preparation. One or two tablets … Morning-after Pill: Effects, Uses & Risks


Synonyms menstruation (lat: mensis – the month, stratus- scattered), bleeding, period, menstruation, menstrual flow, cycle, days, period, menorrhea Definition Menstruation is the female menstruation that starts on average every 28 days and lasts about 4 days. In addition to blood, the menstrual period mainly exudes mucous membrane. The average amount of blood is only 65 … Menstruation

Menstrual cramps | Menstruation

Menstrual cramps In addition to the menstrual problems listed here, you will find detailed information on our website: Menstrual disordersThis is a complex of symptoms that occurs in the second half of the cycle, i.e. in the 2 weeks before your period. The cause is considered to be a hormone imbalance, among other things, which … Menstrual cramps | Menstruation