Astemizole: Effects, Uses & Risks

Astemizole is a so-called antihistamine, which is used to treat allergies symptomatically. However, this drug is no longer available on the German market. What is astemizole? Astemizole is a so-called antihistamine, which is used to treat allergies symptomatically. Astemizole is an H1 receptor antagonist as well as a second-generation antihistamine. By blocking the histamine receptors, … Astemizole: Effects, Uses & Risks

Eletriptan: Effects, Uses & Risks

Eletriptan is a medical agent from the group of triptans (5-HT1 agonists). It is mainly used for the treatment of acute headaches as well as migraine. Electriptan achieves its effectiveness by reducing the release of serotonin in the brain. What is eletriptan? The active ingredient eletriptan is found in numerous migraine medications. The drug belongs … Eletriptan: Effects, Uses & Risks

Banana: Intolerance & Allergy

Bananas are among the favorite types of fruit among Germans. Per capita, about 16 kilograms of them are consumed annually. No wonder, because the bananas taste heavenly sweet and contain important nutrients that are very beneficial to health. This is what you should know about the banana Bananas are one of the world’s oldest cultivated … Banana: Intolerance & Allergy

Hazelnut: Intolerance & Allergy

Hazelnuts are the fruits of the hazel bush. Hazelnuts are mostly native to Asia Minor and Europe. They contain many important nutrients and are commonly known as a nerve food. Although hazelnuts are generally beneficial to health, they can cause allergies or intolerances. Here’s what you should know about hazelnuts Hazelnuts are the fruits of … Hazelnut: Intolerance & Allergy

Therapy options | Serotonin deficiency – symptoms and therapy

Therapy options The assumption that a lack of serotonin can be increased by the administration of this hormone is not correct. However, there are drugs that influence serotonin levels through various mechanisms. Various antidepressants are used in the treatment of depression. It is important to know that serotonin, as a messenger substance between nerve cells … Therapy options | Serotonin deficiency – symptoms and therapy

Causes of serotonin deficiency | Serotonin deficiency – symptoms and therapy

Causes of serotonin deficiency A serotonin deficiency can be caused at different levels: For example, if the building blocks for the production of the hormone are missing, the concentration drops. The main component of serotonin is L-tryptophan, a so-called essential amino acid. This means that L-tryptophane cannot be produced by the body itself and must … Causes of serotonin deficiency | Serotonin deficiency – symptoms and therapy

Serotonin deficiency in children | Serotonin deficiency – symptoms and therapy

Serotonin deficiency in children Since the diagnosis “serotonin deficiency” as such is difficult to make, it should be handled with great care, especially in children. If a child shows himself more listless than usual, separates himself from his friends and becomes more inattentive at school, a psychotherapist specially trained for children and adolescents should first … Serotonin deficiency in children | Serotonin deficiency – symptoms and therapy

Leukotrienes: Function & Diseases

Leukotrienes are substances produced in white blood cells, also known as leukocytes, when fatty acid is broken down. Even in small amounts, they register a high effect as mediators in allergic reactions and inflammation. What are leukotrienes? The medical name leukotriene already refers to white blood cells. In the Greek language, “leukós” means “white.” Leukotrienes … Leukotrienes: Function & Diseases

Serine: Function & Diseases

Serine is an amino acid that is one of the twenty natural amino acids and is non-essential. The D form of serine acts as a co-agonist in neuronal signal transduction and may play a role in various mental disorders. What is serine? Serine is an amino acid with the structural formula H2C(OH)-CH(NH2)-COOH. It occurs in … Serine: Function & Diseases

Rods: Structure, Function & Diseases

Rods are the retinal photoreceptors responsible for light-sensitive monochromatic night vision and peripheral vision. The main concentration of rods is outside the yellow spot (fovea centralis) located centrally on the retina, which is mainly populated with three different types of cones for color and sharp vision during the day and in bright twilight. What are … Rods: Structure, Function & Diseases

Frovatriptan: Effects, Uses & Risks

The active ingredient frovatriptan is an antagonist of the serotonin receptors. The drug is classified in the category of triptans and has an approval for the treatment of acute migraine attacks. In addition, the drug frovatriptan is also used in some cases for preventive therapy of cluster headaches. What is frovatriptan? Originally, the drug frovatriptan … Frovatriptan: Effects, Uses & Risks