Duration of healing of a metacarpal fracture | Metacarpal bone fracture

Duration of healing of a metacarpal fracture The duration of a plaster treatment without surgery is about 3 to 6 weeks. The success of the treatment should be checked by an X-ray. Afterwards, one should slowly increase the load and consistently work on the mobility of the hand. Even with an operative procedure, the healing … Duration of healing of a metacarpal fracture | Metacarpal bone fracture

Metacarpal bone fracture

Definition The metacarpals are located between the carpal bones and the three phalanges (or two phalanges of the thumb). These can break as a result of trauma, for example, a punch or a fall on the hand. This means that the bone has a continuity interruption. The bone fragments may also be displaced (dislocated). If … Metacarpal bone fracture

Diagnosis of a metacarpal fracture | Metacarpal bone fracture

Diagnosis of a metacarpal fracture The treating physician (for example first the family doctor, or as a specialist an orthopedic surgeon/accident surgeon) asks what happened and which symptoms were noticed. He or she will examine the affected hand and pay particular attention to a wound with visible bone, bone rubbing, step formation at the corresponding … Diagnosis of a metacarpal fracture | Metacarpal bone fracture