Painkillers during pregnancy

Introduction During pregnancy, many women ask themselves the question of which medications may be taken without hesitation. Most pregnant women are primarily concerned about the unborn child, but of course also about their own well-being. In particular the question of suitable painkillers during pregnancy is of primary concern to many women. Above all, freely available … Painkillers during pregnancy

Treatment of headaches during pregnancy | Painkillers during pregnancy

Treatment of headaches during pregnancy Unfortunately, headaches during pregnancy are not uncommon. Many pregnant women complain of headaches, especially in the first three months of pregnancy. The headaches can have various causes. Discussed are among other things a lack of sleep, the changed hormone balance or also stress during pregnancy. As a matter of principle, … Treatment of headaches during pregnancy | Painkillers during pregnancy

Treatment of back pain during pregnancy | Painkillers during pregnancy

Treatment of back pain during pregnancy Back pain during pregnancy can have various causes, which sometimes have nothing to do with the existing pregnancy. In some cases the back pain was already present before the pregnancy. In addition, an increased body weight by the pregnancy, an increasing hollow back or a lack of fitness can … Treatment of back pain during pregnancy | Painkillers during pregnancy

Pain medication in the last third of pregnancy | Painkillers during pregnancy

Pain medication in the last third of pregnancy The last third of pregnancy covers the period from the 7th to the 9th month of pregnancy. During this period, some pain medication is not suitable as it can lead to complications for mother and child. Ibuprofen and Aspirin® should not be used in the last trimester … Pain medication in the last third of pregnancy | Painkillers during pregnancy

NSAR and Novalgin® – is it compatible?

General information Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are drugs that relieve the symptoms of inflammatory processes such as pain, reduce swelling and, to varying degrees, lower fever. As painkillers, NSAIDs are initially counted in the group of non-opioid analgesics. This means that non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) exert their analgesic effect by suppressing … NSAR and Novalgin® – is it compatible?

Side effects | NSAR and Novalgin® – is it compatible?

Side effects An advantage of using Novalgin® in contrast to typical NSAIDs (such as acetylsalicylic acid) is that it is very well tolerated by the stomach and peptic ulcers practically never occur. More frequent, however, are severe drops in blood pressure when injected too quickly. A side effect of Novalgin® is the so-called Agranulocytosis. This … Side effects | NSAR and Novalgin® – is it compatible?

Dosage forms | NSAR and Novalgin® – is it compatible?

Dosage forms Novalgin® is available in different dosage forms, as tablets, effervescent tablets, drops, suppositories and injection solution for administration into the vein (intravenous) or into the muscle (intramuscular). All articles in this series: NSAR and Novalgin® – is it compatible? Side effects Dosage forms