Birthmark hurts | Birthmark

Birthmark hurts A birthmark normally causes no pain. If pain or itching occurs, a malignant degeneration should be clarified according to the A-B-C-D-E rule (asymmetry, limitation, colorization, diameter and development). In addition to pain, itching, bleeding, scaling, or tingling may also be symptomatic and should be examined by a dermatologist. Although melanoma is not necessarily … Birthmark hurts | Birthmark

Prophylaxis | Birthmark

Prophylaxis Since an intensive UV irradiation promotes the degeneration of harmless birthmarks, it should be avoided to stay excessively long and often in the sun. Especially sunburns suffered in childhood promote and increase the risk of developing a malignant melanoma. Moles should be observed in any case. Not only color and structural changes but also … Prophylaxis | Birthmark