MRT of the thoracic spine

Introduction The abbreviation MRT stands for magnetic resonance imaging and is an important diagnostic tool in medicine. The way an MRI works is based on the fact that the human body contains many so-called protons. These are individual hydrogen molecules that are diffusely distributed throughout the body. These protons can be deflected by an MRI … MRT of the thoracic spine

MRT of the lumbar spine

Introduction Magnetic resonance imaging, also known as MR or MRI for short, is a medical imaging procedure. The procedure works without harmful ionizing radiation. In the clinic it is used to take sectional images of the body. During the examination, the magnetic resonance tomograph generates a magnetic field as well as alternating magnetic fields which … MRT of the lumbar spine

Duration of the examination | MRT of the lumbar spine

Duration of the examination The duration of the examination is approximately 15 – 25 minutes. In addition, there are possible preparations such as undressing the patient, positioning on the examination table and subsequent evaluation of the images taken. Some findings require some time to be evaluated and to ensure a diagnosis. In addition, longer waiting … Duration of the examination | MRT of the lumbar spine

Indications | MRT of the lumbar spine

Indications The necessity to perform magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the lumbar spine (lumbar spine) can have various reasons. Often the MRI examination is not the first choice, as it takes much longer than a computed tomography (CT) and is associated with a considerably higher energy and cost expenditure. The advantages of an MRI, however, … Indications | MRT of the lumbar spine