Causes | Mosquito bite on the face


The face is susceptible to mosquito bites in that it is usually not covered and therefore easily accessible to mosquitoes. The mosquito then looks for a suitable place on the skin to take blood from the superficial capillaries (finest blood vessels). For this purpose, the mosquito has appropriate body parts as tools to penetrate the upper layers of skin. On the other hand, it injects certain molecules during the pricking process, which are actually intended to reduce blood clotting at the prick site in order to make blood sucking effortless. These molecules are later the main reason for the typical itching, redness, swelling or even allergic symptoms.


Normally a mosquito bite on the face should recede after two to three days, regardless of the treatment. This can be recognized by the decrease in the signs of inflammation such as redness, overheating and swelling. The itching should also subside during this time. If the site of the mosquito bite on the face has not been too badly affected by scratching and is not sore, no further difficulties are to be expected after the bite has healed.


A diagnosis of a mosquito bite on the face is usually based on the appearance of the bite, its location and the accompanying symptoms. Further diagnosis is normally not necessary. Occasionally, it can be difficult to distinguish between a mosquito bite and skin blemishes or pimples. In case of doubt, an attempt at therapy can be started with a cream or ointment that helps against skin impurities, such as salicylic acid.If it is a mosquito bite, it can be irritated, but this should not delay the healing process significantly. This topic might also be of interest to you:

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