MRT for cysts | MRT of the lumbar spine

MRT for cysts

A cyst is a fluid-filled cavity that can occur in different tissues. Cysts are often found in the chest, in the ovaries (see ovarian cyst), in the head or in the kidneys. The fluid can be blood, pus, sebum or tissue fluid, which is then enclosed in a thin or coarse capsule.In most cases, cysts are benign changes, but degeneration can still occur.

They also occur in different sizes and can occur at any age. In most cases the cysts do not cause any symptoms and are discovered by chance during a routine examination. However, symptoms of cysts in the lumbar spine can occur if the cyst impairs the function of important structures such as nerves or vessels due to its size.

In MRI of the lumbar spine, facet joint cysts are particularly common and are usually signs of wear and tear of the facet joint (facet joint arthrosis). Less frequently, arachnoid cysts originating from the meninges are found in an MRI of the lumbar spine. A therapy, such as the removal or puncturing of the cyst, is often only performed when such symptoms occur, or at the patient’s request.

By means of the MRI of the lumbar spine it can be ensured that, for example, it is only a benign mass. In addition, the size and positional relationships can be precisely determined. This facilitates the selection of the correct therapy in the following.