Mallow: Medicinal Uses

Products Mallow is available as an open product in pharmacies and drugstores and is commercially available as a tea from various suppliers. Mallow is an ingredient in breast tea (Species pectorales). Mallow extract is on the market as a liquid and ointment (Malvedrin) and is included in cosmetics such as shampoos and shower gels. Stem … Mallow: Medicinal Uses

Couch Grass

Stem plant Poaceae, Common couch grass. Medicinal drug Graminis rhizoma – Common couch grass rhizome: the whole or cut rhizome, freed from the secondary roots, washed and dried Beauv. ( Gould (PhEur). Preparations Kidney and bladder teas Kidney and bladder lozenges Ingredients Mucilage Polysaccharides: triticin Essential oil Saponins Effects Diuretic Antimicrobial (essential oil) Areas of … Couch Grass

Indian Psyllium

Products Indian psyllium seeds and Indian psyllium husks are available in pharmacies and drugstores as open goods. There are also corresponding finished medicines on the market, such as Agiolax mite, Laxiplant, and Metamucil. These are usually powders or granules. See also under psyllium. Stem plant The parent plant is from the plantain family (Plantaginaceae). The … Indian Psyllium

Mouth Rot

Symptoms Oral thrush, or primary gingivostomatitis herpetica, occurs primarily in children between 6 months and 5 years of age and in young adults around 20 years of age and may also affect older adults. It manifests itself in the following symptoms, among others: Swollen cervical lymph nodes, aphthoid lesions and ulcerations in the mouth and … Mouth Rot


Products Linden flowers are available in open or sachet form in pharmacies and drugstores. They are an ingredient in cold teas and diaphoretic tea (Species diaphoreticae). Stem plant According to the pharmacopoeia, the parent plant of the flowers can be Miller winter linden, Scop. summer linden, and hybrids such as Heyne from the linden family. … Linden

Marshmallow: Medicinal Uses

Products Marshmallow is included in cold and flu remedies, for example, in teas, tea mixtures, cough suppressants, and candies. Marshmallow syrup is also prepared from the medicinal drug, and marshmallow is an ingredient in chest tea (PH) and the so-called snail juice. Stem plant Marshmallow L., like mallow – which is used for similar applications … Marshmallow: Medicinal Uses

Icelandic Moss: Health Benefits

Stem plant Acharius, Parmeliaceae, Iceland moss. Medicinal drug Lichen islandicus – Icelandic moss / Icelandic lichen consists of the whole or cut dried thallus of Acharius (PhEur). Preparations Lichen islandici extractum Ingredients Mucilages: polysaccharides, gelling agents. Bitters Effects Anti-irritant Antimicrobial Fields of application Inflammation of the oral and pharyngeal mucosa, irritable cough. Loss of appetite … Icelandic Moss: Health Benefits


Products Hibiscus is available in pharmacies and drugstores. The flowers are also called carcade (Arabic) and are often combined with rose hips. Stem plant The parent plant is from the mallow family (Malvaceae) is an annual herbaceous plant native to Africa and Asia. Medicinal drug Hibiscus flowers (Hibisci flos, Hibisci sabdariffae flos, Hibiscus flowers), the … Hibiscus

Medicinal Teas

Products Medicinal teas are available in pharmacies and drugstores as finished medicines or home-made. They belong to the group of herbal medicines (phytopharmaceuticals). Definition and properties Medicinal teas consist of usually dried, cut, or whole plant parts, which may come from one or more plants. These are referred to as medicinal drugs. Medicinal teas are … Medicinal Teas

Corn Poppy

Stem plant Papaveraceae, corn poppy. See also opium poppy. Medicinal drug Rhoeados flos – Corn poppy flowers: the dried, whole or fragmented petals of L. Preparations Rhoeados extractum liquidum Rhoeados floris pulvis Ingredients Anthocyanins Alkaloids Mucilages Fields of application In folk medicine for cough and hoarseness, as a sedative and sleep-inducing agent. Commission E assesses … Corn Poppy

Coltsfoot Health Benefits

Stem plant Asteraceae, coltsfoot. Medicinal drug Farfarae folium – Coltsfoot leaves: the dried leaf of L (Compositae) (PH 5) – no longer officinal Farfarae flos – Coltsfoot flowers: the dried flower head of L (Compositae) (PH 5) – no longer officinal Preparations Farfarae folii recentis succus. Ingredients Mucilages: polysaccharides Pyrrolizidine alkaloids: sinkirkin, senecionin, tussilagin. Phenolic … Coltsfoot Health Benefits

Wool Flower (Mullein)

Stem plant Scrophulariaceae, common mullein, L. Scrophulariaceae, large-flowered mullein. Medicinal drug Verbasci flos, woolly mullein flowers. The dried flowers reduced to the corolla petals with stamens attached by L. Bertol. ( Schrad.). Preparations Species pectorales PH Ingredients Iridoid glycosides Phenylethanoid glycosides Mucilages Saponins Flavonoids Effects Anti-irritant Expectorant Fields of application Catarrh, acute bronchitis, cough, cold, … Wool Flower (Mullein)