
The active ingredient of Mucoangin® is ambroxol hydrochloride. Due to its various effects, ambroxol can be used both in the context of acute sore throats and in the context of a disease of the lower respiratory tract. A special effect of ambroxol hydrochloride is its expectorant property. It influences the mucus-producing glands in the oral … Mucoangin®

Dosage form | Mucoangin®

Dosage form Mucoangin® is taken for sore throats as part of pain relief. It is available in pharmacies in the form of lozenges. There are two flavours available: wild berry and mint. The tablets should dissolve slowly in the mouth, as this ensures the longest possible duration of action. Mucoangin® can be taken by adults … Dosage form | Mucoangin®

Side effects | Mucoangin®

Side effects In principle, all drugs can cause adverse effects in the body in addition to their desired effects. Depending on the site of attack and action of the drug, completely different side effects can occur. This also applies to the intake of Mucoangin®. When Mucoangin® is taken, it can often cause taste disorders or … Side effects | Mucoangin®


Mucosan®, Mucoangin®, Mucosolvan®, Lindoxyl®, mucolytic, secretolytic, ambroxol hydrochloride, expectorant, local anestheticAmbroxol is an active ingredient used in medicines primarily as a cough expectorant. It has a mucolytic effect on the lungs and bronchial tubes and has a slightly anaesthetic effect on the throat area. Ambroxol is therefore often used for colds with particularly stubborn mucus … Ambroxol