
The main active ingredient of Musaril® is tetrazepam, which belongs to the benzodiazepine group and acts on muscle reflection. Through this action, Musaril® reduces abnormal muscle tension, arousal (panic attacks), anxiety and promotes sleep. In addition, tetrazepam can be used to treat epilepsy. The active ingredient may no longer be prescribed as of August 1, … Musaril®

Side effects | Musaril®

Side effects In 1 – 10% of the patients treated, the typical tetrazepam side effects such as dizziness, drowsiness, coordination disorders, speech disorders and gastrointestinal complaints occurred after taking Musaril®. These symptoms often subsided during the course of treatment. About 0.1% of those treated experienced allergic skin reactions and muscle weakness, and a small proportion … Side effects | Musaril®