Exercises against a hunchback

Introduction A hunchback (syn. :Morbus Scheuermann) of a hyperkyphosis is an excessive rounding of the thoracic spine. Our spine is shaped like an S, lordosis (protrusions) and kyphosis (backward curvature) alternate to cushion loads and at the same time provide stability and movement. Thus, the cervical spine is curved forward, the thoracic spine is curved … Exercises against a hunchback

Traditional exercises against hunchback | Exercises against a hunchback

Traditional exercises against hunchback Conventional therapy exercises, apart from the presented concepts, include for example the systematic erection – body perception and control, as well as the control of the musculature needed for the erection. Sit upright on a chair. Your feet are hip-wide and parallel to each other on the floor. The hands are … Traditional exercises against hunchback | Exercises against a hunchback

Further therapeutic measures against hunchback | Exercises against a hunchback

Further therapeutic measures against hunchback In addition to the active exercises, there are several other therapeutic procedures that have a positive influence on the posture of the hunchback, the release of tension and pain or movement restrictions. These include classical massages, manipulations from manual therapy, taping with kinesiotape, electrotherapy and heat applications. In the case … Further therapeutic measures against hunchback | Exercises against a hunchback

Alternative therapy options | Physiotherapy for Piriformis Syndrome

Alternative therapy options In addition to manual physiotherapy, the patient’s own exercises and stretching or equipment-supported training, electrotherapy can also be used to treat Piriformis Syndrome. The targeted use of certain forms of current can improve the blood flow to the muscles and nerves. Summary Piriformis syndrome is a common cause of pain and sensitivity … Alternative therapy options | Physiotherapy for Piriformis Syndrome