Pain in the quadriceps tendon – These can be the causes! | The quadriceps tendon

Pain in the quadriceps tendon – These can be the causes! The causes of pain in the quadriceps tendon range from traumatic causes to inflammatory and degenerative causes. Some degenerative diseases can result in a reduced blood supply to the tendon. This leads to a continuous deterioration of the condition over years, which eventually causes … Pain in the quadriceps tendon – These can be the causes! | The quadriceps tendon

Can the quadriceps tendon be relieved with a bandage? | The quadriceps tendon

Can the quadriceps tendon be relieved with a bandage? The quadriceps tendon can be relieved by wearing a bandage. Generally, this can be used for many diseases or injuries of the knee. A bandage increases the stability of the knee and protects the quadriceps tendon. This can be helpful in the case of traumatic events … Can the quadriceps tendon be relieved with a bandage? | The quadriceps tendon

Electroneurography (ENG)

Introduction Electroneurography (ENG) is a neurological diagnostic method that determines the ability of nerves to transmit electrical impulses and thus to excite a muscle, for example. This technique allows nerves to be stimulated and their electrical activity to be conducted superficially so that more precise statements can be made about the neurological basis of a … Electroneurography (ENG)

Pain | Electroneurography (ENG)

Pain In electroneurography, nerves are stimulated by small electrical impulses in order to measure the conduction of electrical excitation and to be able to assess the functional efficiency of the corresponding nerve. The current impulses are usually delivered by electrodes glued to the skin. This is not painful. Rarely, small needles are pricked into the … Pain | Electroneurography (ENG)

Shoulder neck pain

Definition Shoulder neck pain is a very common problem. At least every second person has had to deal with these complaints at least once in their life. The causes can be manifold. The most common cause is muscular tension, but diseases of the spine or shoulder joint must also be considered. Causes of shoulder neck … Shoulder neck pain

Spinal canal stenosis of the cervical spine | Shoulder neck pain

Spinal canal stenosis of the cervical spine Spinal canal stenosis is a narrowing of the spinal canal. Usually, the narrowing occurs at an advanced age and is a consequence of remodelling measures of the spine due to disc instability. The wear and tear of the intervertebral discs increases the pressure on the vertebral bodies and … Spinal canal stenosis of the cervical spine | Shoulder neck pain

Exercises against tension in the shoulder and neck muscles | Shoulder neck pain

Exercises against tension in the shoulder and neck muscles Various exercises can be used to relax the painful and tense shoulder and neck muscles. The exercises are easy to perform and should be used several times a day in short breaks. A simple exercise is shoulder circling. Here, both shoulders are rotated simultaneously approx.Circle 20 … Exercises against tension in the shoulder and neck muscles | Shoulder neck pain

Homeopathic remedies for the treatment of shoulder neck pain | Shoulder neck pain

Homeopathic remedies for the treatment of shoulder neck pain Since neck and shoulder pain is a very common problem, more and more people are trying to find an alternative to the common painkillers with few side effects. Some people describe that their pain has improved under the treatment with homeopathic remedies such as Arnica Globuli, … Homeopathic remedies for the treatment of shoulder neck pain | Shoulder neck pain