Pain in the right buttock

Definition The buttocks describe colloquially the buttocks of the human being. In purely anatomical terms, the buttocks consist largely of the buttock muscles, which are divided into three muscles of different thicknesses. Together with abundant subcutaneous fatty tissue, the buttock muscles form the well-padded buttocks, which must absorb a lot of weight, especially when sitting. … Pain in the right buttock

Muscle Fiber

Definition A muscle fiber (also: muscle fiber cell, myocyte) is the smallest unit of a skeletal muscle; the muscle cells of the smooth muscle and the heart muscle show certain similarities to the muscle fibers, but are not called so. Structure of a muscle fiber A muscle fiber is a so-called syncytium. This means that … Muscle Fiber

Composition | Muscle Fiber

Composition In total, a muscle fiber consists of about three-quarters water, 20% protein (half of which is provided by the contractile proteins actin and myosin) and 5% ions, fats, glycogen (an energy store) and nitrogenous substances. Types of muscle fibers Two different types of muscle fibers are distinguished by their function. On the one hand … Composition | Muscle Fiber