When does the pain occur? | Pain in the right buttock

When does the pain occur?

Sitting is a common trigger for back problems of all kinds. Prolonged, monotonous sitting, as is common in many office jobs, promotes the development of back pain. In addition, those affected often suffer from a lack of movement and weakly developed back muscles.

ISG blockage can also be promoted by prolonged sitting. The treatment of the blockage consists in the mobilization and movement of the joint. After phases of prolonged sitting, the pain is accordingly particularly strong.

Muscle tensions in the back or the buttocks themselves can also worsen in a certain position. Nowadays there are many approaches to prevent orthopedic problems while sitting. An ergonomic office chair that adapts to the spine is a sensible investment.

Movement in particular is enormously important for the back. Walks, sport for a change or alternating work in standing and sitting can prevent complaints. How you can train your back effectively, you can read in our article about training the back muscles!

Many complaints of the spine improve when lying down.When lying down, the load on the body shifts from the legs and hips. On the other hand, depending on the position of the back or side, complaints are aggravated. Especially in the sacroiliac joint, pain can increase when lying down.

In patients with ISG blockage, the nights become hard to bear. Since the symptoms of ISG blockage are worsened by little movement, lying down for a long time is an additional factor for the pain. Even if the muscles and tendons of the buttocks are irritated, it is important to consider the pain when lying down.

If pressure is applied in the supine position, stabbing pain may occur. Jogging as a sporting activity is largely positive for the back. However, incorrect or too intensive exercise can cause pain and damage to joints.

First and foremost, a pulled muscle or a sore buttock muscle should be considered. However, in the case of existing orthopedic problems in the back, jogging can also increase the pain. In the case of acute problems, the first priority should be to take it easy until the pain has been clarified by a doctor. In the long term, jogging helps to prevent many back problems. With individual clinical pictures of the back, so also with rheumatic illnesses, jogging as a stressful sport is sometimes counterproductive.