
Synonyms in a broader sense English: botulin toxin, botox Botulinum toxin Botulism toxin Botulin Botulinus toxin BTX Botulinum toxin (Botox®) is the collective term for seven very similar nerve toxins (neurotoxic proteins), of which botulinum toxin type A is the most common and most important. All of these proteins are excreted by different strains of … Botox®

Cosmetic effects | Botox®

Cosmetic effects However, Botox® only became really well known through its use in cosmetics as a wrinkle smoother. The targeted paralysis of nerves in the face serves to smooth existing wrinkles or to prevent the formation of new wrinkles. It is particularly frequently used to make the so-called frown line or crow’s feet on the … Cosmetic effects | Botox®

Extrapyramidal Motor System: Structure, Function & Diseases

Human motor function is controlled by an interplay between the two pyramidal tracts and the three extrapyramidal nerve tracts in the spinal cord. Within this framework, the extrapyramidal or extrapyramidal motor system is primarily responsible for involuntary and automated movements. In inflammatory diseases of the central nervous system, as well as in trauma, the extrapyramidal … Extrapyramidal Motor System: Structure, Function & Diseases


Definition – what is tendonitis? Inflammation of the tendon is a clinical picture in which a tendon is inflamed due to over-stimulation or unusual strain. Tendons are tight connective tissue that connects the muscle with the bone at the ends of a muscle. They are responsible for the transmission of force from the muscle to … Tendinitis

Prophylaxis for tendonitis | Tendinitis

Prophylaxis for tendonitis The prophylaxis of tendonitis always consists in choosing the right level of strain. Athletes should always approach a higher level of stress slowly in order to get the tendons used to it. This is especially true for newcomers. Before training, a sufficient warm-up program with stretching exercises is mandatory. The right equipment … Prophylaxis for tendonitis | Tendinitis

Bandage: Treatment, Effect & Risks

A dressing serves as a wound protector against infection and can stop light bleeding. It shields fresh wounds from the outside and, depending on the type of dressing, performs other tasks in the healing of wounds and other injuries. What is a dressing? Dressings are applied externally to various injuries as wound protection. It is … Bandage: Treatment, Effect & Risks

The human eye

Synonyms in a broader sense: Medical: Organum visus English: eye Introduction The eye is responsible for transmitting visual impressions from the environment to the brain and is anatomically still counted as an outsourced structure of the brain. The eye consists of the eyeball (lat. Bulbus oculi; this means “the eye” in the colloquial sense) and … The human eye

Eye diseases | The human eye

Eye diseases A barleycorn (hordeolum) is an inflammation of the glands of the eyelid. There are two forms of hordeolum, depending on which glands are affected. Hordeolum internum is an inflammation of the sebaceous glands of the eyelid (meibomian glands). Often, a kind of pimple, visibly filled with pus, is found on the eyelid. In … Eye diseases | The human eye