Exercises for the back | Blackroll

Exercises for the back Just like the cervical spine, or rather the neck, the rest of the spine has to withstand enormous strain every day. In combination with an unhealthy posture and untrained trunk muscles, this often leads to muscle tension and back pain. First and foremost, this should be counteracted by appropriate training of … Exercises for the back | Blackroll

Frown line

Everybody knows them, nobody likes them. We are talking about the frown line – that little wrinkle that appears in pairs between the eyebrows when we are angry (hence the name), or wrinkle the forehead. Anatomically, it is usually caused by a muscle with the complicated name “Musculus corrugator supercilii”. This muscle pulls diagonally down … Frown line

Risks | Frown line

Risks However, Botox also has a number of disadvantages. On the one hand, the application has to be repeated every few months, as the effect of the neurotoxin diminishes. This is always associated with costs, and the dose may have to be increased further. Furthermore, botulinum toxin is currently the most deadly poison known to … Risks | Frown line

Calf Cramps

Introduction Calf cramps are painful, mostly acute and not long lasting pain in the muscle area of the calves. They can occur at rest and suddenly, but also after and during great exertion. In most cases, a sudden onset of pain in the calf muscle area occurs. This pain has a pulling and biting character … Calf Cramps

Diagnosis | Calf Cramps

Diagnosis The diagnosis of a calf cramp is a gaze diagnosis.Since cramps usually occur at home and often at night, the doctor consulted later can usually no longer judge whether it was really a cramp or whether it is rather a pulling pain caused by e.g. reduced blood circulation in the lower leg. Neurological measuring … Diagnosis | Calf Cramps

Prophylaxis | Calf Cramps

Prophylaxis To prevent calf cramps, you need to know the exact causes of the calf cramps. If the causes are unknown, general measures should be taken, which usually work very well. Avoid overloading: Exertion should be adapted to the individual training condition. This applies to completely untrained persons as well as to competitive athletes. Even … Prophylaxis | Calf Cramps

Anatomy of the toe

The toes (lat. : digitus pedis) are the terminal limbs of the human foot. Normally a human being has five toes on each foot, which are systematically numbered from the inside out in the anatomy with Roman numbers from one to five. The big toe is therefore called digitus pedis I or also called hallux, … Anatomy of the toe

Innervation | Anatomy of the toe

Innervation In order for these muscle groups to tense up and move their toes, they require electrical signals (commands) from nerves in the spinal cord. Two nerves, the tibial nerve and the fibular nerve, are particularly important in this respect. The toe flexor muscles, the muscles responsible for spreading the toes and the muscle groups … Innervation | Anatomy of the toe

Exercises for a slipped disc in the cervical spine

Introduction A herniated disc in the cervical spine is not a rare form of herniated disc and is often accompanied by restrictions in the shoulder-arm region. Often the cause of a herniated disc in the cervical spine is not exclusively limited to the cervical spine itself, but also stems from postural defects in the thoracic … Exercises for a slipped disc in the cervical spine

Exercises after a cervical spine operation | Exercises for a slipped disc in the cervical spine

Exercises after a cervical spine operation As with all surgical procedures, it is always necessary to follow the surgeon’s instructions regarding the load. Often certain movements are initially restricted and should be avoided. These depend on the type and location of the surgery for the herniated disc of the cervical spine. In principle, the herniated … Exercises after a cervical spine operation | Exercises for a slipped disc in the cervical spine

Summary | Exercises for a slipped disc in the cervical spine

Summary Essential for the success of the therapy of a herniated disc in the cervical spine, in addition to the regular execution of an exercise program accompanying the physiotherapeutic treatment, is a conscious posture in everyday life and the avoidance of damaging positions that continue to put the disc under stress (as may be the … Summary | Exercises for a slipped disc in the cervical spine