Cat Cry Syndrome (Cri-Du-Chat Syndrome): Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Cat cry syndrome, also known as cri-du-chat syndrome, is understood by physicians to be a rare hereditary disease. This manifests itself in infants, among other things, by the typical cat-like cries that gave the disease its name. What is feline cry syndrome? Feline screaming syndrome is a condition caused by an alteration in the genetic … Cat Cry Syndrome (Cri-Du-Chat Syndrome): Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Knee Dysplasia: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Knee dysplasia is a congenital developmental disorder of the skeleton that results from a genetic mutation and is characterized by severe short stature. The prognosis depends on the severity in each individual case. Causal therapies are not yet available. What is knee dysplasia? Spondylometaepiphyseal dysplasia manifests in growth and associated gait disturbances from about the … Knee Dysplasia: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Eye test

Definition The visual acuity of the eyes is tested with an eye test. This indicates the resolving power of the eye, i.e. the ability of the retina to recognize two points as separate. The visual acuity defined as normal is at a visual acuity of 1.0 (100 percent). Adolescents often achieve even better visual acuity … Eye test

2. shihara color plates | Eye test

2. shihara color plates In 1917, this method with test images of different colored dots that form a complete picture was developed by the Japanese ophthalmologist Shinobu Ishihara. The test is based on the fact that “normal sighted people” can recognize different motifs by differentiating between red and green on the test images than people … 2. shihara color plates | Eye test

Amblyopia: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Some visual impairments can occur not only in adulthood or advanced age. Children also already suffer from vision problems that affect both eyes or, as in amblyopia, only one eye. What is amblyopia? In amblyopia, sharp, contour and contrast vision is extremely limited, resulting in an impairment of the visual perception ability of the affected … Amblyopia: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Astigmatism: Blurred Vision

If you have blurred vision both at a distance and at close range, the cause may be a so-called astigmatism. The eye is no longer able to focus the incident light on an exact point on the retina and thus to bring it into focus, but the affected persons see points as blurred lines. Normally, … Astigmatism: Blurred Vision

Symptoms | Astigmatism: Blurred Vision

Symptoms The symptoms of astigmatism (astigmatism, astigmatism) depend on the severity of the curvature of the cornea, since this results in refractive errors of varying degrees. A slight astigmatism is often not noticed by those affected. However, if the astigmatism is more pronounced, the clear astigmatism is noticeable due to blurred vision at near and … Symptoms | Astigmatism: Blurred Vision

History | Astigmatism: Blurred Vision

History While regular astigmatism (astigmatism, astigmatism) does not normally change over the course of life, irregular astigmatism can progress steadily. This is especially the case when there is a permanent malformation of the cornea, in which the center of the cornea grows conically forward (so-called keratoconus). If the astigmatism is not corrected, severe headaches must … History | Astigmatism: Blurred Vision

Visual disorders in children

Definition The most common visual disorders in children are myopia, hyperopia or strabismus. The visual defects can be either acquired or congenital. In order to detect visual disorders at an early stage and to treat them, U9 carries out an eye test at the age of five years before entering school. In the other U … Visual disorders in children

Myopia in children

Introduction In many cases hereditary, myopia can also become apparent in childhood. Treatment methods are usually successful if therapy is started early and depend on the age and degree of childhood myopia. What does myopia in children mean? Nearsightedness is the most common type of ametropia in ophthalmology and can affect adults and children alike, … Myopia in children