Therapy | Leg asleep – how come?

Therapy The therapy of a leg that has fallen asleep depends on the underlying cause that is responsible for the symptoms. In most cases, moving the leg and the associated relief of the affected nerve is sufficient so that the leg “wakes up” and the symptoms disappear. However, if this measure does not lead to … Therapy | Leg asleep – how come?

Anatomy of the toe

The toes (lat. : digitus pedis) are the terminal limbs of the human foot. Normally a human being has five toes on each foot, which are systematically numbered from the inside out in the anatomy with Roman numbers from one to five. The big toe is therefore called digitus pedis I or also called hallux, … Anatomy of the toe

Innervation | Anatomy of the toe

Innervation In order for these muscle groups to tense up and move their toes, they require electrical signals (commands) from nerves in the spinal cord. Two nerves, the tibial nerve and the fibular nerve, are particularly important in this respect. The toe flexor muscles, the muscles responsible for spreading the toes and the muscle groups … Innervation | Anatomy of the toe

Vegetative Nervous System

Definition The human nervous system can be classified in different ways: The first classification is based on where each part of the nervous system is located: A distinction is made between the central nervous system (CNS), which consists of the brain and the spinal cord, And a peripheral nervous system (PNS), which includes all other … Vegetative Nervous System

Classification of the autonomic nervous system | Vegetative Nervous System

Classification of the autonomic nervous system The autonomic nervous system is divided into three parts: The enteric nervous system consists of a network of nerves embedded between the individual layers of hollow organs. These include, among others: The digestive organs are once again an exception, since this nervous system works completely independently of the central … Classification of the autonomic nervous system | Vegetative Nervous System

Cluster headache therapy

Cluster headaches are headaches that accumulate over a period of time, appear “clustered” and then disappear again for a certain interval. A pain episode is about 15 minutes to about 3 hours long. It is the most severe unilateral headache in the area of the eye. They often occur at night and can be accompanied … Cluster headache therapy