Further therapeutic measures | Nutrition in a gatritis

Further therapeutic measures In addition to nutrition as a basic measure, there is of course also medical support for the treatment of gastritis. Most drugs are even available over the counter at the pharmacy. In acute infection-related gastritis, symptoms such as nausea and vomiting are in the foreground. Substances such as dimenhydrinate (Vomex) or metoclopramide … Further therapeutic measures | Nutrition in a gatritis


Synonym NicotineThe term “nicotine” refers to a mostly alkaline, nitrogenous organic compound (so-called alkanoid) that occurs naturally in tobacco plants. Introduction For a long time, the consumption of nicotine was considered a social experience. But at the latest since the possible health damage by smoking was recognized more and more, humans tried to take distance … Nicotine

How can I stop smoking? | Nicotine

How can I stop smoking? The regular consumption of nicotine makes, among other things, over the constant rise of nicotinerger receptors in the brain fast dependent. For most smokers it is difficult to refrain from nicotine consumption despite known health risks. However, some important tips can help to increase the likelihood that nicotine withdrawal will … How can I stop smoking? | Nicotine

Smoker’s diseases

Synonyms Tobacco smoking, nicotine consumption, nicotine abuse Lung Cancer Throat Cancer Heart attack, cardiovascular diseases Diseases of the respiratory tract Addiction Other types of cancer Osteoporosis (bone loss) Changes of the eyes Impotence in men In pregnant women the adequate development of the fetus is endangered The effect of smoking on the blood vessels causes … Smoker’s diseases

I recognize calcification of the coronary arteries by these symptoms | Calcification of the coronary arteries

I recognize calcification of the coronary arteries by these symptoms Calcification of the coronary arteries is a longstanding remodeling process that does not develop acutely. If unhealthy nutrition and lifestyle cause LDL cholesterol to be built into the vessel walls, the person affected does not notice it at first. Only when this remodelling of the … I recognize calcification of the coronary arteries by these symptoms | Calcification of the coronary arteries

How contagious is this? | Calcification of the coronary arteries

How contagious is this? The pure calcification of the coronary arteries is not an infectious disease, but a lengthy process that is mainly influenced by one’s own diet and lifestyle. A slight calcification of the vessels occurs with age in everyone. Nevertheless, genetic predispositions also play a role in the reconstruction of the vessel walls. … How contagious is this? | Calcification of the coronary arteries