Night Work

Background According to the Labor Law, shift work refers to employees working staggered and alternately at the same workplace: “Shift work occurs when two or more groups of employees are assigned to work staggered and alternately at the same workplace according to a specific schedule.” This definition also refers to work during the day. From … Night Work

Jet Lag

Symptoms Possible symptoms of jet lag include: Sleep disturbances: drowsiness and fatigue during the day, insomnia at night. Digestive disorders Malaise, feeling sick Irritability, emotional upsets Concentration disorders Causes The cause of jet lag is a desynchronization of the sleep-wake rhythm during rapid travel across multiple time zones, typically by airplane. The time at the … Jet Lag


Products Modafinil is commercially available in tablet form (CH: Modasomil-100, Modafinil-Acino, DL: Vigil, USA: Provigil). It has been approved in the EU since 1992, in the US since 1998, and in many countries since 2000. Structure and properties Modafinil or 2-benzhydrylsulfinylacetamide (C15H15NO2S, Mr = 273.35 g/mol) is a racemate and exists as a white crystalline … Modafinil