
Composition The tablets contain Medicaginis sativae herba rec. (alfalfa), Urticae diocae herba rec. trit. (stinging nettle) and Avenae sativae extr. (Oats). The name is derived from alfalfa, a synonym of alfalfa, and avena (oats). Effects The herbs are iron-rich and contain other minerals and vitamins. No information is currently available on clinical efficacy or iron … Alfavena


Latin name: Avena sativaGenus: Sweet grass, panicle grass: Description of the plant: The oat is a type of cereal that is widely cultivated. The long stem has panicles consisting of 2 to 4 flowers. Oat grains which are not fused with the outer husks grow from them. This distinguishes the oat from the other cereals. … Oats

Oats as a Remedy

Oatmeal, oat porridge, oatmeal, oat bran – the possibilities of using the cereal oats (Avena) for human nutrition are many. In the Middle Ages, people even brewed beer from oats. Today, this cereal is mainly used as feed for animals, especially horses like the taste of oats. No wonder, because compared to other cereals such … Oats as a Remedy