Osteopoikilosis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Also known as osteopoikilosis, osteopathia condensans disseminata, or spotted bones, osteopoikilosis is a form of bone malformation. It occurs extremely rarely and is benign. The international classification according to ICD-10 is Q78.8. What is osteopoikilosis? Osteopoikilosis is characterized by compaction or hardening in bone tissue. Hamburg surgeon and radiologist Heinrich Albers-Schönberg first described osteopoikilosis in … Osteopoikilosis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Nutrition for cancer

Definition of cancer Cancer is a disease that affects the entire body, even if it has not yet spread. Cancer consumes a lot of energy because cancer cells often have a less efficient energy metabolism than healthy body cells. This energy is often lacking elsewhere, the diseased person eats less and has a much higher … Nutrition for cancer

Further therapeutic measures for cancer | Nutrition for cancer

Further therapeutic measures for cancer Basically, every cancer should be treated by doctors. There are three general therapy options: Depending on the origin of the cancer, they are applied in different combinations. In the case of solid tumors, surgical removal without leaving residual tissue is usually the goal, and chemotherapy and/or radiation is usually given … Further therapeutic measures for cancer | Nutrition for cancer

Associated symptoms | Synovial Sarcoma

Associated symptoms The symptoms of synovial sarcoma are relatively unspecific. Usually, pain in the immediate vicinity of the synovial sarcoma is known, but its character cannot be described in detail. In addition, there is a pressure pain at the corresponding site and pain dependent on movement. In addition, a restriction of movement is sometimes described … Associated symptoms | Synovial Sarcoma

Synovial Sarcoma

Definition Synovial sarcoma is a malignant tumor of the soft tissue with a very unfavorable prognosis. Fortunately, it is considered a relatively rare tumor, but among all malignant soft tissue tumors it is the 4th most common. The synonym for synovial sarcoma is also “malignant synovialoma”. The typical age of the disease is between 15 … Synovial Sarcoma