Further therapeutic measures for cancer | Nutrition for cancer

Further therapeutic measures for cancer

Basically, every cancer should be treated by doctors. There are three general therapy options: Depending on the origin of the cancer, they are applied in different combinations. In the case of solid tumors, surgical removal without leaving residual tissue is usually the goal, and chemotherapy and/or radiation is usually given in addition.

If the stage is advanced, chemotherapy may be applied first and surgery is performed afterwards if the tumor has shrunk. There are innumerable chemotherapeutic agents which – adapted to the type of cancer – are combined in different regimens to fight the cancer. There are also ultramodern techniques for radiation therapy, which allow only the area of the tumor to be irradiated and attacked.

In addition, nuclear medicine today also offers the possibility of introducing small carriers with low-level radioactive material into the diseased tissue and thus destroying it from within. In addition to these rather aggressive and conventional medical treatment options, there are also complementary herbal homeopathic therapies. Mistletoe preparations, for example, are frequently used in cancer diseases, but their effectiveness is controversial due to the lack of clear studies.

One should beware of miracle healers and the like, often these expensive treatments have no scientific background and can even cause more damage than they are useful. Even though fear plays a major role in cancer, you should trust your doctor and discuss your wishes regarding the therapy openly with him.

  • Operation
  • Chemotherapy
  • Irradiation