
Stem plant Fabaceae, thorny knapweed. Medicinal drug Ononidis radix – Hauhechelwurzel: The whole or cut, dried root of L. (PhEur). Preparations Ononidis extractum ethanolicum siccum Ononidis radicis extractum ethanolicum siccum Ononidis tinctura Kidney and bladder teas Kidney and bladder lozenges Ingredients Flavonoids Essential oil Effects Diuretic Indications Flushing therapy for urinary tract infections, cystitis. Dosage … Hauhechel


Latin name: Ononis spinosaGenus: Butterfly blossom plantsPopular names: Hasenöhrle, HaythornPlant description: A 30 to 60 cm high shrub with hairy thorny stems and fine-toothed leaves grows from a strong taproot. Pinkish red flowers arranged in clusters. Flowering time: June to August Occurs: Sunny and dry places at the edge of forests, paths and fields. Medicinally … Hypocrite