How can the tear fluid be stimulated to produce? | Tear Fluid

How can the tear fluid be stimulated to produce? The tear fluid fulfils several important tasks. The most important is probably that it serves to protect the cornea. It cleanses the conjunctival sac: by moistening and blinking the eyelid, small foreign bodies can be removed from the eye, substances such as lysozyme or lipocalin prevent … How can the tear fluid be stimulated to produce? | Tear Fluid

Examination of color vision

General The color vision is made possible by our so-called color sense. We have this because our retina has sensory cells that can perceive colors. These sensory cells are called “cones”. Color vision is made up of various characteristics of vision. The eye has the ability to perceive the hue, saturation and brightness of light. … Examination of color vision

Injury to the eye through radiation

General information So-called keratitis photoelectrica is an injury caused by UV rays, which leads to a loosening of the epithelial adhesion and tiny erosions of the cornea. Mostly this disease occurs after welding work without appropriate protective goggles or after staying at high altitudes, on glaciers etc. (injury of the eye by radiation). Symptoms The … Injury to the eye through radiation