Course of multiple sclerosis

Introduction Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a chronic inflammatory disease of the central nervous system. This is composed of the brain and spinal cord and is known to be responsible for controlling all bodily functions. Multiple sclerosis is still an incurable disease. Although enormous funds are being made available for research, neither the cause nor a … Course of multiple sclerosis

The Optic Nerve

Definition The optic nerve (med. Nervus opticus) is the strand of “nerve fibers” that transmits signals generated on the retina of the eye to the brain. Strictly speaking, the optic nerve, which doctors refer to as the nervus (Latin for nerve) opticus, is not actually a real nerve at all, but a “pathway” of the … The Optic Nerve

How does a damaged optic nerve regenerate? | The Optic Nerve

How does a damaged optic nerve regenerate? The injury of the optic nerve is a very sensitive topic in medicine, as the prognosis is usually unfortunately rather poor. Until now, it has been believed that nerves in general are hardly able to regenerate. There are various studies that show, especially in animal models, that partial … How does a damaged optic nerve regenerate? | The Optic Nerve

The pupil reflex

The pupillary reflex describes the involuntary adaptation of the eye to changing light conditions. The width of the pupil changes reflectively with incident light. This reflex is controlled by the parasympathetic nervous system and plays an important role in visual acuity and in the protection of the retina. If the environment is very bright, the … The pupil reflex

How can the pupillary reflex be tested? | The pupil reflex

How can the pupillary reflex be tested? The examination of the pupillary reflex is one of the standard examinations in neurology. The pupillary reflex can be tested by means of a flashlight examination. This involves illuminating one eye and examining the reaction of both eyes. If deviations occur, this is called anisocoria. Normally, the doctor … How can the pupillary reflex be tested? | The pupil reflex