Painful nipples in men | Painful changes of the nipple

Painful nipples in men

An enlargement of the male mammary gland can occur on one or both sides and is called gynecomastia in medical jargon. Sometimes the enlargement of the male mammary gland is accompanied by a feeling of tension or even pain in the breast and/or nipple. In certain phases of a man’s life, enlargement of the mammary gland is considered natural, i.e. physiological.

However, there are also pathological forms of mammary gland enlargement in men. A one-sided swelling is always in need of clarification, since a serious disease such as a tumor could be behind it. Gynecomastia is quite natural in young people. At this age, the enlargement usually disappears on its own after a certain period of time. In addition to puberty, natural gynecomastia can also occur in the second half of a man’s life, around the age of 50.

Painful nipples ovulation

There are various physical signs which can be an indication of ovulation. The period in which ovulation takes place, and thus the possibility of pregnancy, can be determined by measuring body temperature and/or observing the consistency of the cervical mucus, for example. In some cases, changes in the breast can also be observed from the time of ovulation onwards.

These include breast tenderness or sensitive and painful nipples. These complaints can intensify in the course of the second half of the cycle. Pain in the nipples, a pulling in the breasts and a larger breast volume during pregnancy are a common phenomenon during pregnancy and are an indication that the mammary glands are fully formed.

The body thus prepares itself for the forthcoming breastfeeding of the child. Breast pain during breastfeeding can be caused by various factors, which can come from the woman or even the baby. Even at the beginning of breastfeeding, however, severe pain is not common and should be clarified by the breastfeeding woman so that relief can be provided quickly.

In the first days after giving birth, some women feel increased sensitivity of the nipples, which is no cause for concern. This increased sensitivity does not necessarily occur and should disappear after a few days to weeks. A tingling or a feeling of warmth should also be considered normal at the beginning and during the course of the breastfeeding period.

These sensations are caused by the so-called milk donor reflex and only signal that breast milk is being released. One of the most important causes of painful nipples during breastfeeding is an incorrect application technique. Therefore, if pain occurs during breastfeeding, it is recommended that you first check the positioning of the baby yourself or have it checked by a specialist. Another reason for pain can be a milk congestion.More rarely, the pain is caused by a faulty sucking technique of the infant, peculiarities in the child’s mouth, a pronounced milk donor reflex, bacterial or mycotic (caused by fungi) infections of the nipples. Finally, constantly wet nipples, for example due to wet nursing pads, can also cause painful nipples.